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*Sophie's P.O.V*

By the time we got back to the dorms it was around eight o' clock. I had a fun night and I think Harry enjoyed it as much as I did. After we had our supper and dessert, he took me out roller skating. Let's just say, I'm a klutz and putting me on wheels is not a safe environment for anyone. Harry had insisted he stay the night because Zoey is out again, surprise, and it is more safe to be with someone during the evenings. I tried to kick him out but it ended up him tickling me to death.

"What do you want to do, Fee?" He asked, curiously dragging his long, rough fingers along the spines of some old dusty books on my ragged bookshelf.

"Up to you." I asked, purposely being stubborn making him change his gaze from flipping pages in an old book to me, rolling his eyes and snorting. I laughed and he just grimaced a smiled. I quirked an eyebrow and focused my gaze back on him.

"There's plenty of things I'd like to do that you wouldn't comply to. Or even know what they are for that matter." He said, winking making me furiously blush and his corners of his plump lips curving upwards into that million dollar smile.

"Like what?" I teased, crossing my legs on top of each other and resting my head on the soft crescents of the pillow.

"Oh, you really want to know?" He asked, setting down the book to walk over to stand at the end of the bed by my feet, built arms crossed over his well built chest.

"Actually, now that you asked, I don't really want to know. Doesn't sound appealing anymore." I said, raising my eyebrows and looking at my bent hand in front of me, continuing my playful act.

"Well that's too bad isn't it babe because now that you have already asked, there is no going back now." he sneered and crawled on the bed so he was hovering over me, arms and knees on either side of my body and face just inches above mine trying to lure me in. Funny thing is that I don't know how long I can keep up this act with him like this. I avoided his gaze acting as if his intimate actions didn't have an effect on me. He lowered his face to the nape of my neck and his hot breath tickling my skin. He grazed his teeth along my collar bones and placed his plump lips upon my skin, sucking harshly. I bit my lip trying to keep from giving in to him and he kept doing his handy work, making blood trickle to the surface. He pulled back and softened the stinging from the air by soothing it with the pad of his tongue. He leaned back and looked at the flower he had just created and looked into my eyes making my gaze go elsewhere. he chuckled to himself and bent over to reach my ear and whispered to me.

"I'll make you give in to me right away." He breathed making shivers run down my spine, electricity washing through me like waves. He sponged wet kisses along my jawline and up to my earlobe, lightly sucking. A throaty moan escaped my mouth before I could stop it which made Harry smirk.

"I told you."

I held my hands in tight fists at my sides, forcing them not to tangle up in his hair. he flicked his hair to the side to remove it from his forehead. Our skins were coated with a thin layer of sweat from this close contact and I was very close to giving in.

"I- I have to pee." I stuttered using it as an excuse to get him off me. He laughed and denied me, not believing my lie and started moving his hips in circles to meet mine. I could feel him growing harder every time our hips met and I blushed, turning my head to the side. He brought his hand up to my face and used his index finger to lift my face and meet his gaze. Our vision met and we continued looking in each other's eyes, getting lost in them. Our stares were lost by me giving up and crashing my lips onto his, hungrily molding them together. My hands sprung up from the soft bed sheets and tangled them in his hair. I tugged on the roots, earning a groan from him and he grinded into my hips harder than before.

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