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i love you guys.


It is Sunday afternoon and I have just finished about half of my work that needs to be done for tomorrow morning. Great. This is fantastic. After setting everything up, my phone buzzed from the other side of the room.

Yeah, I threw it over there because of Harry's little 'cute' distractions.

All day yesterday and all day today so far, he has been phoning, texting and randomly showing up at my door to distract me from doing what needs to be done.

That little fucker.

After I got through ten productive minutes of studying, there was a knock on my door. I groaned and set the textbook over my head for about five seconds before sprinting to the door. Opening it, I found there was no on there and I just sat there long enough for them to leave.


Almost getting the door shut all the way, there was a boot pressed between the door and the frame making me utterly confused. It was only then I realized there was a leg attached to it, and it was Harry's.

"Harry, I really need to work!"

"Who's Harry?" The person replied in a very, very deep voice not at all sounding like Harry's.

I opened the door even further to get a glimpse of the person only to find Harry smiling like an idiot, trying sp hard to contain his laughter with a small mustache on his upper lip.

"I mustache you a question, Ebe." He stated making me laugh.

"What is it?" I questioned.

 "Actually, I'll just shave it for later.." He spoke, bursting into laughter of joy. "Get it? Shave it for later!" He said through his laughing. 

I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour and walked away from the door, leaving it open in case he wanted to come in.

"Are you going to invite me in? I can't come in until you invite me. It's the rules for a vampire's life, don't you know?" Harry questioned making me roll my eyes once again.

"You know, if you roll your eyes too many times, they will fall out of your head." He proposed and I laughed, finally and walked over to him.

"Come in, Harold." I spoke and he nodded before walking past me and before I could turn around, I felt his lips on my neck giving me a love bite.

"Told you I'm a vampire, I just give different kinds of bites." He said, trying to be romantic which totally blew me off my feet. I practically melted into his hands because of his soft touch on my hips and lips pressed against my neck.


So, basically my weekend consisted of eating, sleeping, studying and being drowned in my homework. But luckily, It is Sunday evening, and I just finished all of it. With the help of Harry's prank calls, random texts and surprising me at my door every day with various gifts, I actually qualified and finished my work.

Harry continued with his vampire skills and left me with random love bites across my body including my arms, neck, tummy and legs. He kept up with his snarky comments and I just fell deeper into a hole of love for him.

My mother on the other hand decided it was appropriate to call me every day at the ass crack of dawn, and every night just before midnight. Let me tell you, it was the most annoying and aggravating thing she has done in a long while. I do not plan on getting used to it.

Zoey offered me to go to a party with her to get out, but I politely declined, telling her maybe next time. I doubt it though. She was rarely around at all this weekend. Basically just getting a change of clothes and trying to drag me to the party.

Right at the moment, Harry and I were cuddling in my bed, watching some sort of horror movie. I was scared shitless and even though I could barely see him out of the corner of my eye, I knew he was watching me more than the movie.

"How's the movie?" I asked, going through deja-vu as we have had this conversation before.

"Great. Are you scared yet?" He questioned and I looked at him, nodding and right as I turned my head to the laptop screen, a face popped up making me scream bloody murder and jump out of my pants.

Not literally, but pretty damn close.

"Jesus, Sophie. What the hell?" He asked and I was holding my hand over my chest as an instinct, trying to get my irregular breathing back to normal.

"Alright, enough of this movie. What do you say we go get some supper?" I asked and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Soph, it's almost ten."

"So? I'm hungry, never can you put a time limit on food." I sated, completely serious but he laughed.

He has been laughing more tonight than he has spoken to me.

"It's not funny, Harry." I said and when he did not respond, I got up and off the bed. Pulling on my hoodie, I made eye contact with him for a second before talking. "Fine, I'll go myself." I said and left without another word.

"Sophie, wait!" Harry called after me, running to catch up.

I continued to walk until he totally caught my attention by jumping on my like a monkey, making us topple to the ground. I groaned when my head slammed onto the hard floor and rolled to my side, cradling the poor thing.

I think my brain is crying.

"Fuck." Harry groaned as he sat up and looked over to me. I heard him laugh and then it grew quiet, making me confused.

So, he tackled me and left. Great.

Just as I was about to turn around I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, and he pulled me up so he was now carrying me bridal style.

"Princess Ebe, will you allow me to take you out for dinner after causing this preposterous accident?"

"No." I spoke, crossing my arms. He stared at me for a few seconds before lowering his head down to me before kissing my hair, everyone slightly making my headache fade.

"Put me down." I sternly proposed and he ignored me, continuing to pepper kisses all over me.

"No." He mimicked and looked up at me before quickly kissing my lips.

"Harry, put me down." It wasn't until his phone vibrated in his pocket that he set me down, retrieving it and reading the message.

"I um, got to go. Bye." He spoke running off, and it wasn't until he was gone that I noticed a figure around the corner.

"Hey! Leave me alone!" I yelled, realizing I was in the dorm area and the person ran and so did I to not get accused of anything.

After reaching my room, I then started to think.

Does this person who's been following me around, have something to do with Harry's strange acting, mood swings and disappearances?

I decided to call it a night as I had classes tomorrow and tucked myself into bed with the thought of Harry on my mind.

What is he hiding?


Hii guys!

How are you all?

Hope you all have had/are having a good easter break! I'm still on mine, so yay!

whats going on with harry




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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