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*Sophie's P.O.V*

I walked up to Harry's side and entered his dorm. Non surprisingly, it was a mess in here with clothes and food scattered along the floor and tables. It was horrendous to look at honestly. I kept my pace and walked further into the cluttered room and sat down on the cleanest bed. I looked up at Harry who was obnoxiously kicking things out of the way, and under the beds. Struggling to keep my laughter hidden, I started twiddling with my fingers. I was snapped away from my thoughts when the spot on the bed next to me dipped down.

"So?" I asked him, impatiently waiting to get away from him. Yes, I might be exaggerating a little because it was only a few days, but he left without a word of why or where he was going and didn't talk to me for a while.

"I'm sorry." He stated, looking at me, silently trying to get me to look back.

"For?" I pushed, still looking at the ground.

"Leaving and not telling you why."

"Ok." I huffed and stood up to leave when he grabbed my arm. He pulled me back and laid me down on the soft mattress so he was hovering over me. I slightly winced from the pain that shot through me but quickly evaporated. His face was merely an inch away from mine and I could feel his breath on my skin.

"Do you forgive me?" He breathed, his breaths becoming more increased by the second.

"Yes." I mumbled, staring at his lips.

"Prove it."

I sat up so I was hovering over him and then leaned in close, he closed his eyes and I took it as a privilege to run. Laughing and smirking to myself as I teased him as I exited his room. I heard him holler my name, but I was a few strides away from him. Within a minute I reached my door and jumped inside my dorm. I locked it and leant my back against the wall. I was out of breath and my side was killing me. I slowly and carefully I strutted over to the beside table and opened the cap. As I was pouring the small tablets in my hand, there was a pounding on the door and I instantly jumped which made the pills fall out of the bottle and spill all over the floor. I cursed to myself and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw no one. I opened the door and looked down the hallway and no one was there, just as I was about to shut the door, Harry popped up and pushed me into the room with him, shutting the door with him.

"Now, did you really think I'd let you get away with that?" He said, his face dangerously close to mine.

"Yes." I replied, biting my lip.

"Damn, Fee. Don't do that." He said, gesturing to my lip.

"It only makes me want to kiss you more." He said, his hot breath on my neck.

With my heart pounding throughout my entire body, I leaned into kiss him. My thoughts were telling me that was not a good idea but I slowly dipped my head down and my lips merely brushed his. And even that was enough to make me weak at the knees. They were incredibly soft, full and warm and I needed more. My hand reached up to touch his neck as I pulled him down to me, our foreheads rested upon each others and our ragged breath matching. Harry was a little more forceful than me and the plumpness of his lips wrapping around mine. The feeling was indescribable as he glided his warm tongue across my bottom lip. Harry's hands rose up to tangle in my hair while his fingers cautiously played with the ends, making shivers run throughout my entire body. His lips parted from mine and he spoke. "I like it much better like this." And then the kiss continued its way and we both became more hungry for each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, if that was possible and he smiled into the kiss. His hands moved down to my hips and signalled for me to wrap my legs around his waist. Obeying his orders, I did just that and he pushed me against the wall gently. And suddenly, with Harry's body pressed against mine, all of the events from these past days vanished from my mind like they didn't even happen. It was just me and him and I felt happy, happier than I have in a long time.

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