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Holy crap, chapter 30 alreaddy? damn!

*Sophie's P.O.V*

I was woken up by the sound of my phone furiously vibrating on the nearby counter. I groaned before thinking it could be Harry and shot up out of my laying position and snatched it from the cold surface. To my luck, it was Harry. I quickly answered it and put it up to my ear. Before I said anything, I could hear his ragged breaths and heard him mutter a few curse words under his breath before it fell silent.

"Soph?" A soft voice came through the speaker and I smiled at the nickname falling off his lips.

"Harry." I answered and it remained silent until I spoke up again.

"Where were you last night? I got so worried and I couldn't sleep; I tossed and turned all night because of you Harry. I was so worried about you." I repeated and heard him sigh on the other line.

"Here's the thing. I grabbed your homework and went home to grab some of my clothes for you to wear as you've been wearing the same for quite a while, am I right?" He breathed and I didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue. "So I grabbed some stuff when my phone rang. I answered it and it was my boss phoning to say I am behind in my work because I've been so caught up with you and everything that's been going on. So I told him I'd work and that's what I did. But I turned my phone off so that's why I didn't reply to you. I'm so sorry." He added and I silently rejoiced the fact he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't have.

"Are you coming to see me today and get me out of this hellhole?" I asked and heard him snicker on the other line.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" It's Saturday which means no school or work for me." He said and I smiled.

"I'm going to let you get a few extra minutes of sleep right now as you can finally sleep knowing I'm fine." He indicated and we shared out goodbye's before the line went dead. I tossed my phone beside me and rolled onto my side. I closed my eyes and slowly felt sleep wash over me.


I awoke to the sunshine blaring through the paper-thin curtains and I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to reduce the amount of light my eyes were getting. I slowly opened my eyes, one bit at a time and finally could open my eyes fully adjust and I wouldn't become blinded. I stretched my arms and legs exiting a strange non-human like noise to transfer out of my throat making me laugh. I checked my phone to find a text message from Harry. It was sent right before I fell asleep and surprised me that I hadn't noticed it sooner. I unlocked my phone and entered messages to reveal the sweetest text ever.

From: Harry

Sweet dreams, beautiful. Hope I'm in them as you're in mine.

I was in awe as the door swung open making me jump and Harry laugh at me.

"Don't." I warned making him smirk and walk over to me. He leaned down and connected his soft lips with my and lingered there for a while. His lips had a faint taste of liquor and cigarettes but with a strong pop of mint.

"Did you have a couple drinks last night? I can taste the alcohol on your breath." I teased and watched as he tensed up for a second but fully recovered right away.

"Yeah, I had some while I worked. It was the rest of my rum. Don't worry." He gave me a reassuring smile and I grabbed the color of his shirt to pull him back down and reel him into another kiss. He pulled away and sat down on the wooden chair beside my bed and smiled at me while I smiled back. It took me a moment to notice that he was wearing an outfit I have never seen before yet look very attractive on him. He was wearing a blue beanie with his curls tucked away with some pieces sticking out around the side, his shirt was plain white making his tattoos much more visible and was wearing an open black jacket. He was also wearing his regular black, ripped jeans which I'm pretty sure were not pre-ripped and then wearing white converse which I have never seen him wear.

"You look handsome today." I spoke and he smirked, leaning forwards so his elbows were resting on his knees.

"Is that so?" He replied in his low, husky voice and I smiled.

"Oh," He spoke up. "I brought you some of my old clothes so you can change out of these dirty ones. I smiled before thanking him and he reached over and grabbed a white plastic bag. I hopped off the bed and traveled into the bathroom with the bag. I shut the door and looked in the mirror.

I looked like death itself.

I hadn't showered in about two days which is way to long for me, My hair was out and about being as I hadn't brushed it and my eyes had dark bags under them making my face look even more pale. I washed my face with warm water and brushed my teeth.

"Hurry up in there!" Harry exclaimed making me jump. I laughed before shaking my head and prying my shirt off my body. I ruffled through the bag before picking up a rolling stones t-shirt. It looked about twice the size of me and practically engulfed me once I put it on. It went mid-thigh and was large around the waist. I struggled to get out of my skinny jeans and finally tore them off. Just as I was grabbing Harry's old sweats out of the bag, the bathroom door burst open making me yelp in surprise. Harry stood there leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, smirking at me.

"Harry!" I yelled, trying to cover myself up even though his shirt was doing the job already. He pushed himself off of the door and walked over to me, sandwiching me between himself and the wall. He looked down at me and I felt so small compared to his tall frame. He chuckled before smashing his lips upon mine and pushing his hips onto me. he put his hands under my thighs signalling me to jump and I did just that, wrapping my legs around his torso. I winced a tiny bit as it hurt to jump right now but ignored it and kept on kissing his soft lips. He continued to kiss me before leaning his forehead against my own and looking into my blue eyes while I looked into his green ones.

"If you don't hurry your ass," He spoke, voice raspier than before. "I'll have to keep going." He smirked before trailing out of the bathroom and into the main room. I followed his actions but instead shut the door and locked it. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and laughed to myself.

I am so in love with him.


Holy crap, 11k reads.


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