Chapter Two

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The Crawford's lived in a large house at the end of a posh road - famous, rich and Royals all lived down there. Mr Crawford was the man in charge of London, anyone that went against him were killed, the police were on his side and he owned everything. His contacts were on the inside which meant he would never be arrested for the crimes he had committed.

Their house had large sash windows and flowers grew up the pillars in front of the front black door. Inside it was lavish and full of antiques that had been collected by the previous generations.

The Crawford's had always been a rich, upper class family unlike the Shelby's who moved up from the bottom.

As soon as the Peaky Blinders arrived they could see people sneaking glances of them from their windows, it was unusual for people like them to be there. The Crawford's had made sure that no business went to their house, they had an image to look after.

As the men stood at the bottom of the path to the house, the door flung open by one of the sons, "She will be out any moment."

Inside, Rose sat on her bed, hoping it wouldn't happen. Since the war she had made herself into someone and now she was leaving again. Now she was going to have to start again. Charlotte walked in and sat beside her, "Before you say anything about how I shall be okay, I must stop you! You will not be me, you have no experience in working with poison." Rose told her sister. "Goodbye Charlotte."

When she walked downstairs she saw her brothers waiting for her. "They're already here."

"Where is Father?"

"He said goodbye."

Rose sighed before nodding at them and walking out to where the Peaky Blinders were waiting with several cars, her things had already been put in and Rose sat immediately down. John and Arthur sat opposite her with Tommy beside her. She looked out of the window as the house moved out of sight.

"Where was your father?" Arthur asked her.

"He was at work." Rose replied.

"Is your family-" John went to say but she cut him off.

"You may think that as you Shelby's are close then us Crawford's are close but we are not. We are a business not a family." Rose told them.

"People like you think family is a weakness!" Tommy told her.

"It is, the reason you are working with us is because we helped your family get out of prison. If they had not been in prison then you would not be working with one of the most dangerous families in the Country." Rose informed them. "Step very wisely Mr Shelby, he is watching your every move."

"You are." Arthur but in.

A chuckle left her lips, "I am not his spy." She looked back out of the window. "There are many things you should fear but I am not one of them."

"Why else would you father send you to our home? To help us accomplish something he wants us to do."

She stared at Tommy. "I was not entirely truthful. He has sent me here to be a spy but I choose not to be."

"And why is that?" John asked.

"His business is the reason my mother is dead, it would make me truly happy to see it fall."

The three stared at her in shock. "What makes you think we're going to make it fall?"

"You are the Shelby's you do not like being told what to do. Let alone having no control on what you do!" Rose said to them. "I will help you as long as you listen to what I say."

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