Chapter Fifty-Two

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Blending in with her surroundings was easy for Rose was still in her mourning clothes, a black dress with a dark coat. The buildings that stood around her all looked abandoned as though no one had been there in years. 

But someone had.

Rose marched up to the sole remaining door and knocked it loudly, "It's Rose, let me in."

As soon as they heard who it was the door whipped open, and Finn was stood in front of her, "We were beginning to think you were never coming."

Shaking her head, she told him, "The car broke down on the way here so it took longer than expected."

Finn led her down a narrow staircase and then into a dimly lit room, "Sorry about the smell, we've only just moved in."

"It's fine, I am only here to talk business. It would be bad if I was here for a romantic dinner."

He laughed before staring at her, "What was Tommy like? When John died?"

"He cried." Rose told him, "And apologised."

Michael and the rest of the Gray gang were sat around a large circular table, "Afternoon Rose."

"Hello." Rose replied as she sat down beside Finn and opposite Michael, "What are you going to do then?"

"Wait for Tommy to act, you know what he's like, he'll get bored and want to do something."

"You are going to wait for him to do something brash?" Rose smiled, "Clever, I like it."

He smiled back, "Well, after all these years I have gotten to know Tommy. I learnt how the business worked, how Tommy worked."

"Aren't you excellent." Rose commented, "You have finally become the man you were born to be."

"What do you think he'll do?"

Shrugging, she told him, "He needs more supplies, they are running low, so he is going to go down to the canal. But not where he usually goes, I told him you would be there waiting for him. He'll go somewhere new, somewhere he isn't comfortable in. You have people watching him?"

"Of course."

"Then all you have to do is wait." 

"That sounds easy." Finn said as he pushed his chest out, pretending to be stronger than what he actually was.

Rose shook her head, "It won't be as easy as you think. Don't make the same mistake that Tommy will. Instead, now you need to prepare for the future. Plan what you are doing when you win, what you will do after your victory. You are going to have to learn from Tommy's mistakes, become better than him." 

"Whose side are you on?"

"The side of my family, the side that shall protect  them."

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