Chapter Twenty-Five

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A small smile made it's way onto his face as he watched the children play quietly together. All he did was sit there, watching, and making sure they were safe.

He was ashamed to think he hadn't protected Rose.

He couldn't lose his children too.

"Daddy." Katie shyly walked over to him before placing her arm around his neck, "Where is Rose? She promised she would play with us when she returned home."

"I know but darling, Rose isn't coming home."


John hesitated as he thought about the right thing to say, "Because a monster took her from us and now she's happy and safe."

"Is she watching over us?"

"Yes. She's making sure you build the biggest tower properly." John told her while smiling sadly.

Katie giggled, "And that you are happy."

"Yes, she's doing that as well."

His daughter leaned her head on his shoulder, "I miss her daddy."

"So do I." John said as he kissed her forehead. "So do I."

Slowly, as though everything in her room was fragile and easy to break. He gently began to look through her belongings. In her drawers there was nothing but clothes except for the top one where there was lots of drawings.

Carefully, he lifted each one out and studied every line she had done. They were beautiful.

Many of them were of the view from her room, occasionally a couple of people would be there.

There was a couple of Tommy looking his normal powerful self. And then Polly looking different, in some she was cold and in others she was warm and gentle. There was even a couple of the Peaky Blinders as a whole, the men in deep conversation, discussing what they were going to do next.

It was the next couple that made him feel the grief of her death. His children. Laughing and smiling brightly. And him in the middle looking down at them all.

He could still remember that day, that moment. He had never been that happy, with Rose and his children.

And now she was dead.

The next drawing was in so much detail he could hardly believe it wasn't a photo, there was him looking deep in thought, his normal toothpick in his mouth. It was beautiful the drawing and all he wanted was for her to walk through the door and scold him for looking through her things.

With a shake of his head he forced the memories of her to the back of his mind. All he wanted was Rose. Rose.

Gone. No longer there in his arms. No longer there to make him laugh. No longer alive at all.

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