Chapter Forty-Six

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His thumb gently traced the top of her upper lip, "And they shall be safe there?"

"Of course, no harm shall come to them." She replied, smiling as he moved his head closer to hers and then finally closing up the space and pressing his lips to hers. "And we'll be able to live happily there."

John smiled at his wife, "I dream of a better future for the two of us and the children, a life in the countryside, laughing together, the two of us being boring yet so happy. A life full of joy and love."

"I do believe you have changed John Shelby." Rose whispered, "You no longer want to remain a member of the Peaky Blinders until the day you die."

"It does not seem important anymore." He told her, "The power is good for a time but it does not make me as happy as you and the children, thinking about the two of us growing old together and watching our children create a life for themselves is what I want."

Rose laughed, "Then we shall have it."

"I'm too old for all this fighting." John smirked, "I sound like an old man, don't I?"

"Yes, but I like it." 

"I can imagine it all," John's eyes lit up as he spoke, "Sitting next to you, your hair grey and your face wrinkly but you shall have the same lovely eyes and your smile shall remain the beautiful one that I fell in love with."

"And you, your hair shall have receded and will no longer be like this," She ran her hand through his hair, "It will be grey and thin. You too, shall have wrinkles on your face yet you'll still look exactly the same to me. Handsome." Rose grinned at her husband, "And your hand shall be gently yet tightly holding mine."

John continued, "With our children and grandchildren visiting us and then all of us laughing together."

"I look forward to it." Rose's face turned serious, "You must look after yourself John."

"I promise you, I shall return to you. There is nothing for you to worry about." John told her, "I love you more than anything in this entire world Rose Shelby."

"And I love you John Shelby."

The two then fell effortlessly onto the bed, their lips connected and their hands entwined. 

Watching as he gulped down another glass of alcohol, Rose asked him, "Are you still suffering from flashbacks?"

Tommy turned to look at her, "They are just memories."

"Memories that haunt you."

"What do you want Rose? I know for a fact that it wasn't to talk about my nightmares."

She raised an eyebrow, "Now what makes you say that?"

"Because you don't care about me, whilst you do care about your husband."

A smirk appeared on her face, "Now, now, of course I care about my dear brother in law. Yet it is true that I care more about my husband." She stood up and neared him, "I want you to make sure no harm comes to John, make sure he remains safe."

Staring at her and then slowly nodding his head, Tommy replied, "He's my brother, of course I would look after him."

"Promise me Tommy, promise me he won't get hurt."

"I promise you."

She stepped back, "Good. Oh, and Tommy, if he is harmed badly, I shall no longer be on your side. And if needs must, I shall kill you myself."

"I would not expect anything less of you."

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