Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"The Peaky Blinders have arrived." Charlotte whispered angrily to the man, "Are you going to talk to them, mention how you were the one that took her body?"

"No, why would I talk to them. They do not know me, they do however, know you." He replied, "You should be the one to talk to them, say how it was a terrible shame your beloved sister lost her life."

Charlotte nodded, "They hate me."

"And why do you care about what a group of men you are going to kill feel about you?"

Hesitating, her sister said quietly, "They trusted Rose, she helped them kill the Baltons', I might say something to make them even angrier."

"It does not matter if you do. In fact it will make their deaths a lot more fun."

Rose stepped back and forced herself to fall onto the floor resulting in a loud thud. Charlotte quickly ran in and almost smiled at the sight of her sister lay on the floor, unable to push herself back up, "Rose, you are supposed to stay in your bed, this always happens every time you try to get up, you fall."

"I need to move around, I need to become stronger."

"You're ill Rose, you need rest." She allowed herself to be pushed back onto the bed and for the covers to be pulled across her, "You really are ill. Oh how the mighty have fallen."

Staring up at her sister, she managed to let out, "What is happening to me. What have you done?"

"Nothing sister, now rest, I have work to do." Charlotte then left the room and the couple began to walk away to go to the club and see the Peaky Blinders.

After lying still for a couple of minutes, Rose decided she had left it enough time for everyone to leave. Carefully, she wandered down the corridor until she found her sister's room, the stupid girl had left it unlocked. Meaning it was very easy for Rose to slip in, turn a lamp on and then begin to search through her things.

It did not take her long to find out what she wanted and what she needed. The box rested underneath the bed and Rose easily pulled it out, still remembering the code, she opened it effortlessly. A smile embedded itself onto her lips as she saw that all her precious poisons had been left untouched. It seemed that her sister could not actually open the box meaning the poison she used was not actually Rose's but instead the small amount that Rose had discarded. 

"Silly, silly girl." Rose whispered to herself before locking the box back up and pushing it so it was behind her. She then positioned the sheets back to where they previously were so that Charlotte would never be able to tell that it was missing. 

Still not finished, Rose began to look through the belongings on the dressing table. Eventually she found a small vial of poison and immediately she knew what it was for. Taking out the vial in her pocket, she replaced it. So now she would be poisoned with water rather than an actual poison that could kill her. 

Deciding, she had done enough, Rose picked the heavy box up and took it back to her room where she hid it under her bed, knowing Charlotte would never actually go under her bed.

Checking herself in the mirror, Rose smiled as she saw colour flood her cheeks, the end was finally nearing and she was going to be in control one last time. 

Sitting down on the floor she began to sort through the box and carefully picked the poisons she needed. 

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