Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Tommy stared at himself in the mirror, making sure everything was in place. Brushing down his suit, he turned back and placed his gun in his breast pocket. 

Arthur stood outside having a cigarette as he tried to control his nerves, he had fought many times but this was to be different, he was going into the lair of the most powerful family they had ever come across.

John slicked his hair back, continuously vowing to kill all the Crawfords'. He took his toothpick out of his mouth and placed it on the table beside him. 

Rose gently pulled her fancy dress onto her body, even with her upcoming death, her family wanted her to look beautiful. She then began to put her curly hair back into her usual hairstyle, followed by applying a small amount of make-up. 

Charlotte stared at her sister, jealousy running through her veins. Stepping forward she helped pull a piece of hair back.

"You were always the beautiful one." Charlotte told her sister, "But you know what they say, the beautiful people are always the first to die."

"Not always." Rose replied, "Usually the people who think they are invincible do."

Her sister smiled, "You were always the invincible one Rose."

"You thought I was but I never believed I was. And now look at me, I'm dying."

The first thing the Peaky Blinders were hit with, was the grandness of the house, it was beautiful. Full of antiques and paintings of the powerful family. John came to a halt as he was met with the most exquisite woman he had even known. After realising he had stopped, the Peaky Blinders all turned around to see what had bewitched him. Tommy walked over to him, "What a beautiful painting."

"She should be here." John whispered to him, "She should be here with us, wearing one of us wonderful dresses that would put everyone here to shame."

"John." Tommy started but John cut him.

"But she's dead, I know. Let's go and get this over with."

The Peaky Blinders continued to walk through the large mansion and stopped when they reached the dance floor. It was massive and currently, all the people were talking politely with each other rather than dancing. 

Music began to be played as the Crawford all wandered into the room, the feeling of power surrounding them. It was though everything came alive the moment entered, everyone happy to be in the presence of such a famous family. Mr Crawford was first, in his suit, surrounded by some of his men. Following him was Charlotte, all by herself, a sour expression etched onto her face. 

"Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning." Arthur whispered causing them to laugh. 

But then they all went silent. 

None of them could believe what was in front of them.

A ghost. 

But she wasn't, she was alive and was holding onto the arm of the man that had taken her from them. 

John stepped forward, shock written on his face, he could not understand how she was alive. They had seen her die. All the Crawford's they saw had told them about how terrible it was that she was dead. 


Every single one of them. 

At first John felt betrayal but then he noticed the man grip her arm and pain flash across her features. She wasn't safe. They were hurting her. 

Tommy joined his brother, "John, I suggest that you don't do anything irrational."

"Why? She's alive Tom, and they are hurting her."

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