Chapter Forty-Nine

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Rose's head was lay on the bed beside John, her eyes closed as her body rhythmically falling up and down. A man clearing his throat, caused her to shoot up, "I'm awake, I'm awake! Arthur, what are you doing here?"

Making sure the door was fully shut, he whispered, "I can no longer support Tommy. He has changed, changed so much that I no longer recognise him. I need to be with my wife and child."

"We understand." She squeezed John's hand as he lazily stared at his brother, "Go to the crossroads north of the house, my brother shall be waiting there for you and will be able to take you there."

"Your brother?"

"Yes." She looked over at him, "And if you would rather it not be him, then I can contact Alfie Solomons to take you."

Arthur quickly shook his head, "Your brother will suffice."

"Good." Rose muttered as she looked back at her husband, "Goodbye Arthur, I shall see you soon hopefully."

"Goodbye Rose." Arthur then moved so he was beside his brother, slowly he held his brother's hand, "Goodbye John."

John managed a weak smile and then Arthur left the room, knowing he was going to a better place. 

Rose gently began to trace designs over his hand, comforting him but at the same time herself, she hated not knowing when he would go. "Shush, shush, you are going to be okay. I love you John Shelby, I love you so much John."

A smile lit up his face as he squeezed her hand.

"Thank you for saving me John, for giving me a family and a life I dreamed of. A life full of love and happiness." 

Tommy entered the room and sat on the other side of John, but he said nothing and all he did was stare at his brother sadly. 

He grew weaker and weaker with each breath. His eyes struggling to stay open as he tried to fight off death. His breaths became ragged, his face grew pale, the colour completely gone. 

And then finally his eyes closed. 

His chest stopped moving.

And the pressure on Rose's hand left.

Rose's sobs filled the room as she cried over his body, tears staining her pink cheeks, her face crumpled up as she broke apart. Tommy continued to stare at his brother, his own tears slipping down his cheeks but he made no sound. 

"I promised the children they would see their father again." Rose managed to say, "What am I going to do now?"

Tommy finally turned to stare at his sister in law, "I am sorry."

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