Chapter Fifty-Six

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Gathered around the desk in the drawing room, the Shelby's quietly waited for the discussion to begin. With his hair slicked back in his usual style and his grey eyes darting around at his family, John finally began to address them, "There have been no advancements in the war as of yet." Everyone watched him, it was as though the true him had been revealed once he had stepped out from under his brother's shadow. He had changed, he was no longer the brother that spent his time obeying his brother and going to fight everything in his sight.

Out of  the all of the people in the room, Polly was the most anxious for news, she wanted to know whether her son was okay or not. "What will happen next then?"

"It cannot stay the way it is." Rose said as she sighed, "It will not stay the same."

"How?" Polly asked her, "What is coming?"

Alfie glanced over at Rose and the two of them stared at each other before replying to the elder woman, "If we do nothing then there shall be lots of little fights, it shall continue for many more months and maybe even years. But we will do something. So instead there shall be one final large fight resulting in one of the leaders dying."

Polly shook her head, "Not Michael, my son cannot die. You must make sure no harm comes to him."

"You know we can't do that Pol." Rose replied, "He is a grown man now, only he can look after himself."

"I can't lose him again."

John shook his head,  "We will try and protect him but we cannot promise he won't be harmed. I am sorry Pol, that is the best we can do."

Rose nodded her head in agreement, "He's clever, he'll know what he is getting himself into to."

"What will happen to us all when all of this ends?" 

"We'll either be dead or shall be moving on with our lives."

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