Chapter Fifty-Five

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It seemed a new weekly thing, the two gangs fighting each other, neither of them seeming to become closer to winning the war. Today's fight was between a couple of the men, Tommy was nowhere to be seen, sitting this one out whilst Michael refused to let his friends fight without him.

"They never do anything to each other." Rose sighed heavily, "All that comes out of this is a couple of bruises and cuts, it's bloody pathetic."

Alfie and Rose were both sat in the distance, close enough so they could watch what was going on but far enough not be spotted and forced to get involved. "It is rather boring, I have seen children fighting better in school playgrounds better than these tossers."

A bemused face appeared on Rose's face, "Since when did you go near school playgrounds?"

"You forget I am the one that usually picks your stupid, bloody children up from school." Alfie said while shaking his head, "Never did I think that by becoming your ally I would turn into a fucking nanny."

"You've done it twice, both of the times you offered to do it, so do shut up."

Alfie smiled, "To make you trust me, is the reason."

"Or because you find the children funny."

"They sure are funny."

Rose knocked his shoulder with her own, "Have you ever wanted children of your own Alfie?"

"No point in dwelling over something as small as that. My business means having children is too dangerous. Look at you, you are hiding your children away from their own family." Alfie shook his head, "Anyway, no women ever wanted me for too long."

"Who knew," Rose said jokingly, "Alfie Solomons cannot keep a woman."

Aflie chuckled, "They only want one thing, anyway, I've never really wanted a family."

"Well, if it helps, you have a family with us. Anyone who happily offers to take the children to school is family."

"I never knew it was that easy to get into the Shelby family."

Rose laughed as she stared forward, back to the fighting, "I don't see why anyone would want to be a Shelby, you see every Shelby is fucked up. We are not a good family yet people worship the ground we walk on."

"That's a lie." Alfie stopped her, "They worship the ground Rose Shelby walks on."

Ignoring his comment, she changed the subject, "This is war is never going to end if they keep at it like this."

"We need to do something. Something drastic, that will push it all along a bit."

"Like what?"

"Set them both up," Alfie glanced over at her, "Come on Rosie, this is supposed to be your specialty."

"I'm thinking!"

Alfie laughed, "You have prepared everything perfectly, both of the gangs trust you and think you are on their side."

"That's because I haven't given them any other reason to doubt my loyalty."

"Who are you loyal to Rose?"

She shook her head, "Everyone seems to want to know who I am loyal to as they don't understand, I am loyal to my family and I shall pick the side that will protect them and mean they won't be hurt."

"Loyal to John?"

Rose turned to stare at him, "Of course, everything I have done so far is to protect him from Tommy. He nearly died Alfie, he nearly fucking died because of his brother."

"The man returned from the dead." Alfie shook his head while laughing, "Can you imagine what Tommy will do when he finds out his brother isn't actually dead?"

"He'll hate every single one of us." Rose whispered, "He can't find out yet. He's been weakened by his guilt."

"Was that the plan all along?"

"Was what?"

"Make it appear that John died in front of Tommy and then hide him away until the right moment."

Rose shook her head, "No, but it became the plan the moment Tommy shot him. When he returned home, the doctor said he would recover but that it would take a long time. So, I chose to give John this medicine I had -"

Alfie cut her off, "To make him supposedly die in front of Tommy." He stared at Rose, a small smile playing on his lips, "Will the doctor not tell Tommy?"

"Why would he?" A smirk grew, "He's one of my men."

"You have men everywhere. Like a fucking infestation." 

"The only way to win is to know what everyone is doing at any given moment."

"What does John know about this?"

"Everything." Rose replied, "Since his 'death', he has not been able to fight so has turned his attention towards the planning of the war. He's a changed man."

"Well, that's what they say death does to you." The two looked at each other before erupting into laughter. 

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