Chapter Fifty-Seven

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All four of them stood around the large map placed on the desk in front of them, it was as though they were War Generals preparing for battle.

Silence. None of them uttered a word to each other, they were all too busy thinking about what they were going to have to do next.

It was hard, coming up with a plan when they had no idea what the other parties were going to do, especially with how unpredictable Tommy could be occasionally.

"If you think about it Tommy is very predictable." Rose said, finally breaking the silence, "He likes to imagine himself as this unpredictable gangster when in fact he is exactly like every other person wanting to be powerful."

The three men stared at her, "So by him trying to be unpredictable we'll be able to predict his every move." Alfie replied, his brain thinking quickly about this information.

Arthur shook his head, "None of us know who Tommy is anymore, he trusts no one he is with. If anything he has finally become unpredictable."

Scoffing, Rose replied, "He's desperate, he has no one truly on his side. I've always found this is the point in when people become extremely predictable as they try to get out of the situation."

"We need to find out what he is planning." John said as he stabbed a pin into the Shelby Manor, "One of you need to return to him."

"Well I think I am out of that immediately." Alfie said with a smile, "You see I don't think he would trust me after the two of us have tried to kill each other numerous times."

Arthur agreed with Alfie, "He doesn't know you're on our side as well, we must keep that in the dark. If anyone should go then it should be me, I am the only brother who he thinks is alive and on his side."

"No." Rose told him while shaking her head, "You left him without saying anything. I left him saying I would return. So it must be me to return there."

John slowly nodded his head, "He trusts you, he would not dare hurt you. But first we must have a plan, we cannot just let you go there without knowing what you need to tell him."

"You need to tell him that there will be a massive fight, the biggest one and it could possibly be the one to decide who shall be victorious." Alfie told Rose.

"And then I shall help him plan what he wants to do to win the fight."

"Where will this fight be?" John asked her, "You need to work all of this out before you leave."

Rose rolled her eyes at her husband, "No, I have to make it seem as though it was all his idea. I shall let him or Michael choose where this fight will be."


"Because they are the people who are going to be fighting."

A knock at the door made them all go quiet, "Who is it?" John shouted.

"It's me." Rose's brother yelled back, "I come with news."

"Then get in here." Alfie screamed angrily.

Her brother walked in and smiled at them all, "Evening, how are you all today?"

"What news do you have?" Alfie asked him, boredom apparent in his voice.

"Tommy has been spending all of his time in the manor, men come and go everyday as though they are all preparing for something. He's up to something." Her brother informed them, "And then Michael has been training some new recruits how to fight properly, he's teaching them all about Tommy's weaknesses."

Rose nodded her head, "Thank you brother, this is most appreciated."

"The matter is settled then," John told his wife, "You are going to return to the Shelby Manor and will help him plan for the future."

Rose and Alfie walked out of the room together, well Rose strode out immediately whilst Alfie acted like a lost puppy running after her. "Since when was John put in charge of this family."

"Since he spends all of his time locked up in this house with nothing to do. He was beginning to grow mental."

"You should be ruling this house Rose."

"I do Alfie but just allow John to feel like he's finally in control of his family."

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