Chapter Thirty-Six

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High pitched giggling could be heard coming out of the nursery as Rose stood looking over the cot at her newborn daughter, "Hello Elsie," She whispered to her as she picked up the stuffed bear, "Here comes the bear, here he comes."

"Aah." Elsie grinned happily up at her mother as her hand stretched up to touch the toy.

"Do want the bear Elsie?" Rose asked her as she moved the bear so it kissed Elsie's nose, "Boop."

Elsie giggled again as she clasped her hands around the bear before bringing it closer towards her as though she was hugging it.

The door behind her opened and she felt someone move over so they were stood beside her, "How are you Rose?"

"What do you want Tommy?" Rose asked as she pried her eyes away from her daughter and over at her brother-in-law.

Sighing, he hesitated before finally saying, "I know when I last asked you, you said no immediately. But I am hoping you have changed your mind since."

"Tommy!" She warned him not to say anymore.

But he did, "Please Rose. We've never fought against American's, they are different. Completely different! They are much stronger than us and we need your help or we are not going to be able to defeat them."

Staring at him, she sighed, "I can't Tommy."

"If you reopen the Crawford business then you will be able to help protect our family." Tommy pleaded with her, "Please Rose."

Looking at her daughter, Rose slowly nodded her head, "I will reopen the business Tommy but only if I am the one to be in charge of it."

"Yes, I think I could compromise to that." Tommy then gently stroked Elsie's face, "Congratulations, she's a very beautiful and happy child."

Laughing, Rose nodded her head, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Rose watched as a small smile made its way onto his face as he looked down at the giggling child, "You truly are not as bad as you think or like to make everyone believe, are you?"

"What are you talking about? I'm the big, bad gangsta."

"No, those American's you are fighting are."

Tommy chuckled, "Alright, alright." He then looked over at Rose and smiled, "I don't recognise you."

"What are you talking about?"

"When I first met you, you were this untouchable woman that could kill you so easily. But now, you are happy which I prefer much more."

Laughing, she told him, "Thank you Tommy."

"John is a very lucky man." He informed her, "You are a wonderful family."

"I'm sorry Tommy."

He smiled, "Charlie and I are doing okay."

"I know, he truly dotes on you."

"So will she once she's older."

"I hope she does not." Rose whispered back, "I want her to look up to a good person, one that has not taken life."

"You did what you had to do."

"I did what I was told or wanted to do." Rose replied, "Do not try to make me seem better than who I truly am. We are all monsters in our own ways."

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