New OC: Jorah the Eggplant

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Jorah is a Hebrew name that means "autumn rain." Jorah is more masculine; Jora is more feminine. Either spelling works but I use Jorah.
Potentially new Undertale OC but can be used for basically any series.
Since Jorah is literally a walking eggplant, it doesn't care what pronouns you use for him. I personally switch between "it" and "him" because I see it more as a dude, but anyone who interacts with him can literally call Jorah whatever they want. Plants are super chill.
It has no attraction to anything because it's... it's a plant. He is capable of reproduction with other eggplant-like lifeforms, but reproduction is actually a painful experience for plantlike lifeforms so he isn't too hot on that idea.
Demiromantic means he'll only be romantic with those who he has an extremely deep emotional bond for.
He is very friendly and has a humorous, clumsy personality.
He has dreams of being a ballet master, but he's afraid that the institutes won't let him in because of his lack of arms. He won't give up though.
Has neutral self-esteem. Doesn't dislike himself nor exaggerate himself. Sees himself realistically for who he actually is, recognizing his flaws and strengths.
He can use his legs to drill a hole in the ground and sleep there, appearing like an ordinary eggplant with a face.
He doesn't need to eat but needs to soak his legs in the earth at night (which is his sleeping) and also, his energy level is controlled by how sunny it is. During the colder seasons, he either hibernates COMPLETELY underground, pays a great deal of money on renting a house and buying huge quantities of soil and heatlamps, or somehow find a way to vacation somewhere always sunny. Usually, he just hibernates during the wintertime as it feels the healthiest and leaves him refreshed.
If you were to kill him, you would discover he is literally just an eggplant underneath his skin's surface. You could quite easily use him as eggplant parmesean. He becomes very uncomfortable when seeing friends eat eggplant dinners.
Fears: Being eaten. (Mildly) Heights; prefers to be on the earth's surface. Vegetable cutting tools. Any animallike lifeforms that'd eat eggplants, like raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, hares, etc.
Likes: ballet, dancing in general, water, earth, disco and motown music.

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