Nicknames preference

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This one won't be as long as the other preference because that one was just to see what characters I wanted to write, if you want to me to add characters, please don't be afraid to ask.

You always call him Alty cause it annoys him. He prefers to call you by your name but occasionally when you alone he'll slip in a "dear"

Ezio: You call him spaghetti or just simply "Ez". Him however being the flirty mcflirtster he is he'll call you Bella (which means beautiful) or "My love"

You call him Connor and Ratonhnhaké:ton or sometimes Pocahontas. Like Altair; Connor prefers to use your name but sometimes he'll call "hon" just to make sure you feel loved.

Because he's the Grand Master, you don't call him anything but his name in public, but when you're alone together you'll call him "grump face" (that's pretty self explanatory). He's kinda like you he won't call you any special names in front of other people, but behind doors he'll call you sweetheart.

Being the totally grown up and mature person you are, you only call him fitting names.. like "Shamrock" and "Leprechaun". Ignoring those names he'll call you "Sweets" cause you're usually super hyper.

You'll call him Captain and Eddie but sometimes you call him "Sharky" cause he's a pirate..get it? Edward will usually call you lass but sometimes it's "Siren" this always manages to make you smile

You call him either "French toast" or "Baguette". Arno also a flirty mcflirtster he'll call you "gorgeous" and "rose".

You call him a "dork" and "top hat". But Jacob being part of the flirty mcflirtster group; calls you "love" and "Angel".

Being a good person you call her "Cutie" and "Freckles" (she doesn't really enjoy when you call her cutie in front of anyone, but she also enjoys it when your both alone). She calls you "Adorable" and "Book nerd". (She's one to talk)
Tell me if you want me to add anyone
Stay awesome my friends

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