Camping gone wrong (modern! Connor x reader)

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Thank you Victorian_Lass for helping me think of this, cause I really needed ideas. So this one is in a modern au where the reader and Connor go camping- and it fails.

"Is that everything?" You asked zipping up your (f/c) duffel bag, "I believe so" Evie replied looking around the room. "I'll check the list" Elise suggested holding a piece of paper "Let's see... Flash Light?" "Here" "Bug repellent?" "Yep" "Tent?" "Check" "Extra Batteries?"
"Have it."

"Then that's everything we were supposed to get" Elise said looking up from the list. "Good, cause if this bag gets any heavier my arm will snap off" you said slinging the duffel over your shoulder.

"Come on, I think the boys are waiting" Evie said "If they zip them selves in the bags by accident" you retorted rolling your eyes. Elise giggles while Evie smiled, "Well better go check on them".

Surprisingly they had managed to pack the bags by themselves.

"Well it looks like you guys aren't completely useless" you said "Hey!" Jacob said faking offense "I'll have you know I'm perfectly able to handle things by myself."

"Jacob that's what you said when you wanted to cook dinner and almost burnt the house down" Evie said rolling her eyes.

"Come on guys lets not fight" Connor said stepping between the twins who were currently glaring each other down

You smiled at him in appreciation, you really didn't want to deal with the twins fighting right now. He responded with a shy smile of his own while bushing and scratching the back of his head. He always did for some reason whenever you complemented him or just simply smiled at him. Not that you objected to it, you always thought he was cute when he did that.

Ezio, who was silently watching them noticed Connor's blush. He then smirked then walked over to Connor, whispering something that made Connor blush even more.

"Come on guys we probably want to get to the campground before sundown" Arno said climbing into the drivers seat of the car. We all climbed in and buckled our seat belts. Arno started the engine then peeled out of the drive way, heading down the road.

----- Time skip to campground------

  While the boys were pitching up the tent, Elise, Evie, and you were taking stuff out of the car's trunk. Walking into the little camp ground you guys had set up, you saw that the boys were having trouble setting up the tents.

"Having fun?" Evie asked sarcastically, putting her things in the ground. The boys groaned in response. You giggled while walking over to inspect the tents, "the poles are in the wrong places."

"Well if you know so much, how about you put them up" Ezio said.

(I'm sorry I'm not trying to make him a fan dick)

"Gladly" you replied.

In less than 3 minutes you had all the tents set  up perfectly (good job you deserve a cookie)

"There you go" you said smiling in triumph, the  boys grumbled and looked down towards the ground.

"Thanks y/n" Connor said smiling brightly, you blushed slightly "No problem."

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