Preferences 2#

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Favorite place they kiss you

Altair: He likes to kiss your forehead. It's easier to reach since he's a few inches taller than you. And he likes it when you smile at him when he does it, your smile melts his heart.

Ezio: Your lips. Being one of the flirty mcflirtster's, he of course chose your lips. Most of of the time kisses start when your doing simple things like reading a book on the couch. He'll slip behind you and put his hands on your waist. Making you turn your head to face him, and he'll surprise you with his lips.

Connor: Your cheek. Since he's really shy he'll kiss you on your cheek. Even though you told him countless times that he can kiss you on your lips, he still refuses. Though when you kiss him on the lips, he'll start blushing like no other and be on the verge of passing out. Which Achilles finds very amusing.

Haytham: Your hands. Him being very formal, he'll kiss your hands. He loves how soft your hands are and how you giggle when he kisses you there, it being your ticklish spot.

Shay: Your ear. He absolutely loves to kiss you there, mostly because your ear is also one of you ticklish spots. You love how you can feel his stubble against your cheek when he goes to kiss your ear.

Edward: Your neck. Him being part of the flirty mcflirtster group, he of course chose your neck. Since your his navigator, you'll mostly be looking at maps. He likes to use this to his advantage and while you have your back to him, looking at a map, he'll wrap his arms around you and gently kiss your neck. He does it so he can hear your giggle and he smiles silently, because of it.

Arno: He likes to kiss in between your shoulder blades. He does it to show you that he's here and he didn't forget about you. He's lost a lot of people in his life, from his parents to Elise. He couldn't bare a life without you and he shows that's by kissing you in between your  shoulder blades.

Jacob: He likes to kiss your nose. He does it because he loves to see you smile and scrunch up your nose, he thinks it adorable. And he constantly reminds you of how cute you are.
(A/n: this makes you mad because YOU ARE NOT CUTE, YOU ARE A DEADLY BEAST THAT STRIKES FEAR IN THE HEARTS OF YOUR ENEMIES *cough* sorry got a bit carried away)

Evie: She likes to kiss your shoulder. She likes to do it when you're reading together or just plain cuddling. It's easier to reach because she likes to be big spoon. So all she has to do is dip her head slightly and kiss. This always makes you smile and cuddle into her more.
Stay awesome my friends

Evie: shoulder

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