Highschool! Arno x reader x Shay

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It's in a high school setting and Baguette Baby Arno and Cinnamon Bun Shay are fighting over the lovely y/n
Also since it's autumn where I live in going to place it on a Halloween dance.

You were awoken by your (f/c) phone going off, signaling a message. 'Hooray for life' You thought as you groaned and picked up your phone, once you turned it on the bright light blinded you, causing you to squint. Taking a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light, you read the name of the sender. You slightly smiled when you saw it was your best friend, Shay.

Shay: u up?
Y/n: I am now, what the hell are you doing up Cormac?
Shay: sry for waking you, anyway I couldn't sleep
Y/n: Well I WAS
Shay: ;3;
Y/n: sry
Shay: I forgive, what are you doing for the Halloween Dance?
Y/n: Well since I'm in the band (b/n), the principal wants us to play for the dance and I'm going to sing
Shay: Wait, Your singing!?
Y/n: yea, it should be fun

Shay said something else, but your alarm clock went off. "No! My precious sleep!" You mourned, but you dragged your self out of bed anyway and got dressed.

You jogged out of the house and all the way to AC high school. You stopped at the double glass doors when you heard a familiar Italian accent. "Greetings Y/n" you heard Leo call out, "Hey Leo" you greeted back while turning to him. Leo's blue eyes shined with enthusiasm. You both walked into the building making small talk. You both stopped at you locker, "Well I'll see you later Y/n, I must go find Ezio" Leo said turning down the hall.

"Hello y/n" Arno's crisp French accent sounded behind you, "Hey French toast" you joked. You heard Arno chuckle softly, "Ignoring that comment, what are you doing for this year's dance?" "Why is everyone so interested in that dang dance?" You asked.

Arno just shrugged, you sighed "Well I'm going to be singing." "Well I was wondering if-" Arno began, but the bell interrupted him."Sorry Arno" you apologized, he just shrugged and you jogged to your English class.

You and Shay have the same class, so you weren't surprised when you saw him sitting at a desk and motioning towards the empty seat next to him. You flashed him a quick smile and noticed he slightly blushed at your action.

Shaking it off, you quickly took the seat next to him as the teacher walked in the class. After the teacher finished role call, he started the lesson, of which you quickly zoned out and started doodling in your notebook.

You started to feel like someone was watching you, you quickly snapped you head up and looked in Shay's direction. He was staring at you with an unidentifiable look in his eyes, he realized he had been caught and turned towards the teacher, blushing a deep crimson.

A few more minutes passed by and the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. You looked back in Shay's direction, only to find him gone.  (HE'S A GHOST OOOO)

You only shrugged and collected your things. You walked out of your class just in time to hear a pair of infamous twins arguing. "Hey guys" you greeted Evie and Jacob, "Hey" they both greeted back. "Do you know why Shay and Arno are acting weird?" You asked, Jacob just shrugged "I have no idea."

"Well we were just heading to lunch, would you like to come?" Evie offered, "Sure" you replied. You and the twins walked towards the cafeteria and sat down at a lunch table. Soon Connor, Altair, Ezio, Edward, Shay, and Arno walked over to join in. The lunch period was filled with jokes and laughter, but you noticed when Edward slipped his arm around your shoulders as a joke, Shay and Arno both glared at him with, what looked like hate.

Before you could contemplate more on this the bell rang and everyone bid each other farewell, heading toward their classes.

The rest of the day was filled with boring classes and Shay and Arno acting strange. As always school ended and You, Shay, and Arno walked home together, since you guys lived on the same street.

The crisp Autumn air stung your nose with cold, causing you to bury your face in your (f/c) scarf. Then you thought of the question you wanted to ask both of the boys, "Why were you guys acting so weird today?" You asked.

Both of them quickly stiffened and blushed, "Well?" you pushed. "Uhh" Arno said unsure, Shay just sighed "Well I don't know about Arno, but I wanted to ask you to..." he trailed off. "To?" You asked, "I wanted to ask you to the Halloween dance" Shay finished. You widened your eyes, Arno sighed also "Same here", both of them turned to you. "So who do you choose?"

I'll have different choices of separate chapters.
Stay awesome my friends

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