What Kind Of Pet You Get

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When I say small, medium, large breed, I mean just like pick a breed in that size
(P/c) - pelt color
(P/n) - pet name

Altair wanted a small animal that didn't need a lot of attention or work. So one day day you brought home a sleek female (favorite small breed) cat with (p/c) fur. When Altair saw it, you swear you could see hearts in his eyes. Altair and You decided to name the cat (p/n) and to this day Altair still cuddles with her when you're not around. (Sometimes you guys just have a giant cuddle pile because how cute it that?)

Since Ezio would be out and about adventuring as an assassin, you decided to get a pet to keep you company. So one day when Ezio came home, he found you asleep in bed with a (medium breed) dog. You woke up to the sight of Ezio staring at the (p/c) furred dog with absolutely nothing but love in his eyes. When you asked why he looked at the dog like that, he said he had always wanted a dog, but his sister hated them so he couldn't get one. After some hard thinking you both decided to name the dog (p/n).
(How dare his sister hate dogs)

One evening you came home from shopping for groceries only to see Connor playing with, what looked like a (p/c) wolf pup. When you asked Connor what the fucking fuck is happening, he said that he went hunting and found this wounded wolf. You looked at the wolf carefully and noticed there was a bandage around its front leg and a few scratches on its muzzle. You soon began to love the pup as much as Connor; you two both agreed on

When you asked Haytham if you could have a pet, he said yes, BUT it had to be small, didn't need a lot of attention, and very quite. So you thought of what you thought, was the cutest animal in the world; a rabbit. So when Haytham saw it, he just shrugged and continued his work, but secretly he loves it. On more than one occasion you've seen him pet (p/n) while doing paperwork.

Shay said he loved dogs and always wanted one,  so being the awesome lover you are, you decided to get one.  It was a (large breed) dog with a (p/c) coat and when you showed it to Shay, he kissed you straight on the lips and hugged the dog. After you stopped Shay from suffocating the dog, you and Shay both liked
(p/n) for the dogs name.

One night after a hard day at captaining the Jackdaw, Edward walked into his cabin only to you petting a (medium breed) dog. "What the hell?" He asked, "oh hey Ed, I found this at the docks" you said," can we please keep it?"
"Fine, as long as it doesn't make a ruckus" he said, "YAY" you cheered, making Edward smile a little. After a while Edward soon warmed up to (p/n) and loved the dog as much as you.

Arno said he didn't have anything against dogs, it's just that he was more of a cat person, so just to entertain him. You brought home a stray (medium breed) cat. And Arno absolutely adores (p/n) to this day.

Jacob was a dog person and you knew that from the first time you met him. So you weren't surprised when you saw him asleep on the couch, cuddling with a (medium breed) dog. You woke him up to wake him what was happening and he said he found (p/c) furred dog freezing on the street and decided to take him in. It took a little while but soon you started to warm up to (p/n) as well.

Unlike her brother, Evie wasn't a big fan of dogs, but she absolutely loves cats. So when you brought home a (medium breed) (p/c) furred cat, she absolutely adored it. And now it's her favorite reading buddy

You felt really bad for Desmond, after all, he had to go in that dumb machine in and out, his father and him aren't really the greatest of friends, and he didn't really have a choice to be responsible for the whole world. So you decided that a good therapy thing to do was get him a small dog. So he was ecstatic when you brought home a (small breed) dog and he absolutely loves to cuddle (p/n) ; which is what you decided to name the (small breed dog).

Stay awesome my friends

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