Dating Jacob would include....

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My first headcanon so enjoy

Him making stupid jokes that will mostly likely get him hit in the head

You being more mature than him

Okay maybe you're not that mature

Okay maybe your both basically children

Him being so glad your both children and
you both can do stupid shit together

• Evie telling you funny stories of all the stupid things Jacob did as a kid

• You choking on your drink, cause your laughing too hard at the stories

• You loving Jacob cause he's a dork

• Repeatedly telling him that he's a dork

• omg so much forehead kisses

• even more cuddles

• You and him falling asleep on the couch while cuddling

• when you do, and Evie finds you, she secretly fangirls

• Him getting easily jealous

• "Hello ma'm can you give me directions to the train station
•"oh sure, well first you take a left, then-
•"the hell's going on here?

•Him totally trusting that you wouldn't cheat on him

•He's just worried that he isn't good enough for you and you'll get stolen away from him

•Him constantly wanting to be at your side every moment he can

•All the teasing

•You having to reach on your tiptoes to kiss him on the nose

• Him scrunching up his nose cause it tickles

•stealing his top hat

•him calling you beautiful in his magnificent top hat

•even though it's too big for your head so it falls down into your face

•you parading in his hat acting like him

• "Look at me I'm Jacob, I constantly make stupid decisions and drag y/n into them"

• "I don't sound like that"

• let's be honest here his top hat is magnifico

• oh my god his ego

•you deflating his big head before he floats off

•Him freaking out and being super worried when you get hurt (even if it's not that serious)

• "oh my lord, oh my lord are you okay!?"
• "Jacob calm down it's just a paper cut"

•Him calling you the best nurse ever when you care for his wounds

•sweet nothings whispered in your ear

•late night kisses on top of Big Ben

•going dancing in the rain

• loving each other with all your hearts

Stay awesome my friends

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