The Puns Tho (Malik imagine)

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As you can see, I'm the best at naming things. Anyway Malik is one of my favorite characters so yeah.

"Psst, hey Malik" you whispered peeking your head from behind the desk. Malik grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose he looked at you.

"What y/n?" He asked annoyed, "Why couldn't the skeleton share the bad news?" You said, trying to hold back a laugh.

He sighed "why?"
Snickering you said "because he didn't have the heart" then burst out laughing and falling on the floor.

He just groaned again. (What a grumpster)

"Wait, I got more" you said gasping for air because of your previous laugh attack.

"Okay, what's the tallest building in your city?"
You asked "Oh well that would be-" Malik began but you cut him off "The library because it has so many stories!"
You started another laughing fit while he was wondering why he chose to be friends with you.

You then blushed when you thought of something, but you quickly got it out of your head. However the blush didn't go unnoticed by Malik. (Godammit Malik)

"Why are blushing?" He asked with a cute head tilt. "N-nothing" you stuttered. "Well it's obviously something if your blushing" he said.

You mentally cursed him, but decided to tell him anyway. "W-well it's a pun b-but-" "If it's a pun, it can't get any worse than your other ones." He gave you an incouraging smile.

You gulped and smiled "o-okay" you grabbed something out of your sack that you brought and leaned close to his face. Then you handed him a tomato and said "I love you to my head, tomatoes."

You gave him a weak smile. He looked to you, to the tomato, then back to you. He smiled at you, then leaned more over the desk to kiss you.

You widened your eyes as you felt his lips on yours. You could feel all the love and passion by the way he kissed you. Quickly, you kissed back with more passion, wrapping you arms around his neck and burying your fingers in his  black hair. He put his hand on your waist and smiled into the kiss.

Much to soon, you had to break for air. You stared at him in awestruck, while he smirked and pulled a tulip out of the vase on his desk.
"Tulips are better than one."

You snapped at of your trance and smiled at him "shut up and kiss me again."

He gladly did as told.

Sorry this is so short but I had basketball practice so yeah. I hope you like it, and sorry for all the puns.

Stay awesome my friends

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