Ezio x Reader x Leonardo

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Requested by: Vellta
You were going to visit your old friend, Leonardo Da Vinci, who you haven't seen in forever because your duties as an assassin kept you busy. Still; You missed the blonde man's cheery atmosphere and amazing inventions, but you were broken out of your thoughts by a certain Master Assassin scooping you off your feet.

"Ciao bella!" Greeted Ezio, smiling down on you, you huffed and crossed your arms,"Ciao Ezio, now will you put me down?"
Ezio chuckled and set you down on your feet, you then continued on your journey to Leo's shop but this time with Ezio by your side.

"Where are you going (y/n)?" Ezio questioned as he walked beside you, "I'm going to visit Leo" you answered,"What a coincidence, I'm also heading there as well!"

As you and Ezio continued your small talk, your mind drifted to Ezio, you remembered when you met Ezio, at first you thought he was the most arrogant and egotistical man you had ever met, but later you realized he wasn't all that. He was also kind and caring for all of his friends and family, then his family was accused of crime and hanged.

Even though he still had his mother and sister, a huge part of him was lost, you decided to comfort him and help him through his misery, you even decided to become an assassin so you could keep an eye on him, and soon you found yourself falling for him.

Then Ezio introduced you to Leonardo, and you were instantly entranced in the inventors gentle personality and that was the moment when you were conflicted with your feelings.
You couldn't decide who you felt the most for;
the kind inventor or the daring assassin.

"Ummm bella are you okay?" Ezio asked, breaking you out of your trance, "hmm? Oh fine" you said, Ezio just looked at you funny for a second then chuckled lightly," well we're here."

Ezio spoke the truth as you found yourself at the door of Leo's little shop and walked in. As soon as you walked through the door you spotted Leo bent over the table, staring intently at a sheet of paper. You were about to announce your presence, but Ezio put a hand on your mouth and put a finger to his lips. He then too his hand off your mouth and snuck behind Leo, who was still focused on his paper.

Ezio snuck his hand toward the top of Leo's head and snatched off Leo's red cap. Without looking behind him, Leo put his hand to his head to see if his hat was still there but instead found nothing. Leo widened his eyes and whirled around to find Ezio standing smugly behind him and hold the hat in his hand.

"Ezio" Leo grumbled and reached for his hat, but Ezio just held it higher, which had the shorter man have to jump but each try was in vain as Ezio just held it higher. You sighed and shook your head as you saw the two men fighting, "Ezio" you said, which got Ezio's attention and gave Leo an opportunity to snatch his hat back.

"Thank you (y/n)" Leo said appreciatively, you just nodded in response and smiled. Leo then straightened his hat and cleared is throat "So what brings you two to my shop today?" He asked. Ezio answered first, "I have some codex pages that I would like you to decode for me" he said and handed Leo some papers.

Leo nodded and turned to you, "What about you?" "Oh I'm just here because I just wanted to see you again." Leo looked thrilled at your words and gave you a big hug "I'm so glad you didn't forget about me!"

You just smiled at the blonde man's enthusiasm and hugged back, but you didn't notice Ezio glaring daggers at Leo. Leo finally let you out of his death hug and glanced at the papers, "you may want to continue your duties though, I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain you with this new work."

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