Modern! Edward x reader

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Thanks MrsKenway25 for suggesting this

"Ready Eddie?" You asked your life long best friend , Edward. "I wish you would stop calling me that," Edward complained while climbing into the drivers seat as you were already sitting in the passengers seat of his truck.

You and Ed were heading to the beach for some fun since the weather was nicer than the normal cloudy day. You were excited since you haven't been to the beach in a while, especially  with Edward.

You remember the first time you went, he had sand stuck in his blond hair for a week. Suddenly the engine started and it backed out of the driveway.

---Time skip brought to you by Ezio punching a Cesare Salad-----

After a few hours of driving on the highway and falling asleep, you finally arrived at the beach. You and Edward hopped out of his truck and headed towards the changing rooms to change into your swimsuits.

You came out first in a (f/c) bikini with
(2nd/f/c) accents, soon after you, Edward came out in some black swimming trunks. You both looked at each other and blushed a deep red, looking away shyly.

Okay, so yes, Edward was your best friend, but maybe you have a tiny little crush on him, or medium crush, maybe a big crush, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW THAT EVEN THOUGH I JUST TOLD YOU....YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE, EVEN THOUGH TECHNICALLY THIS IS A READER INSERT SO IT WOULD BE YOUR LIFE- LOOK JUST DROP IT SO I CAN STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL.
*cough* let's get back on track

After your cheeks had calmed down from failing you and having a spasm, you coughed awkwardly and said "Why don't we go swimming?" and Edward happily accepted your suggestion.  You began running towards the water, "Beat ya there!" You called behind you.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Edward smile and run after you, though his attempts you still tripped and hit the cold water before him. Your head went under water for a couple seconds but it came up just in time to hear Edward's chuckle. You pouted at him which made him laugh even more, then a brilliant idea flashed through your mind.

You innocently smiled and splashed him in his face, successfully made him shut up. You smirked at him, "take that Kenway", his only reply was an evil smirk  and him chasing after you, splashing water, which you gladly did back.

After a while you both ran out of breath from chasing each other.

"Sand castles?" You suggested, "sand castles" he agreed and you both swam to shore. You immediately sat down with Edward on the ground and started to pile it in front of you, while Edward did the same.

"Whoever loses gets dunked underneath the water" you stated, "deal" Edward replied.

------13 minute time skip----
You finally finished your sand castle and you thought it looked pretty good;

 ------13 minute time skip---- You finally finished your sand castle and you thought it looked pretty good;

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Until you turned around and saw this:

"I think I won," Edward stated while smirking,"fine," you grumbled

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"I think I won," Edward stated while smirking,"fine," you grumbled. You stood up only to be picked up bridal style in Edward's arms, you blushed a bright crimson at the close proximity.

Edward trudged into the water and dropped you into the salty ocean water. You came up gasping and sputtering, "I hate you," you said, "same here," he replied jokingly. You rolled your eyes and got up.

For the rest of the day, you and Edward did regular beach activities like volleyball, collecting shells, and just swimming. Though soon enough the sun started to sink, but Edward decided it would be nice to watch the sun set.

So here you are sitting on the beach with Edward watching the sky grow crimson, gold, and a rich purple. The gold light coming from the sun made Edwards already gold locks look shining, and his eyes seem to reflect the light, making them shimmer.

You couldn't control yourself and one thing led to another, so the next thing you knew, your lips were on his. His sea blue eyes widened as well as your (e/c) ones, you quickly broke the kiss and just stared at him with complete shock at what you just did.

He regained his senses and smiled slightly, "Well I love you too," he said and kissed you again. The kiss was warm and passionate with his hand placed gingerly on your cheek and your hand on his chest. Sadly you had to break the kiss for air.

"I love you Kenway" you whispered resting your forehead against his, "I love me too."
You scoffed and he laughed slightly,"just kidding, I love you too."

You both kissed once more as the sun dipped low on the horizon.

Thank you again MrsKenway25 for suggesting this, I really appreciate that. I hope I wrote it to your expectations and Stay Awesome My Friends

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