You'll have to catch me first Ezio Auditore x Reader

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This I hope I did really well to please you cause it's kinda hard for me to do Ezio and I don't know why (maybe it's because I'm not good a whatever time they're in idk *shrugs*) and I haven't played the game so correct me if I got the house wrong I did my best, anyway I hope you enjoy!
(T/n = Thief Name)
(B/n = brother's name)
You were known as T/n, Master thief and pickpocket. You always did a Robin Hood sort of thing, ya know stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. And no matter who that rich family might be you always were able to get a few riches undetected and always leaving your signature mark a (first letter of your thief name) in whatever surface, that way the poor knew they're was someone who was helping them.
No matter what cost, you always stole something whether it be guards to politicians, and it's not like you had a lot to lose anyway you lost your parents in a fire and your only remaining family member is (B/n), your twin brother. He had always stuck with you through thick and thin. But tonight was going to be different heist tonight you were going after the Auditore's villa, one of the most wealthiest people in Florence, Italy (I think thats the town) and tonight you were expecting everything to go according to plan, oh how wrong you were....

The night's darkness covered you like a cape, your hooded robes blending in perfectly with the shadows. You sneaked quietly along the edge of the bushes and headed towards the tall stone wall protecting the Auditore Villa.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly put your hands and feet on the cracks and edges of the wall and started climbing. 'Remember y/n this a the last steal and then being T/n is done' you thought reaching the top of wall and looked over the villa, the home had three guards at the front door and one guard at each window on the floor.
'Easy, I'll just distract the one of the guards and when he's gone I'll finish off the other by the window then climb the wall and go through the second floor window, that way I'll have less of a chance to get caught and-'  but your thoughts interrupted when you saw a figure head to the front door and past the guards. You didn't have enough time to distinguish any detailed physical features, but you could tell that it was a male. Probably around the age of 16 to 18 (you're 16 in this) if he was awake that would cause a problem 'better take extra caution' you thought and climbed down the wall. You stalked along the wall in the shadows until you came up from the left guard. Picking up a small rock from the grass you threw it against the wall, it made a clack loud enough to get the guards attention but silent enough to not get all the guards suspicious.

Exchanging a few word with the other guard, the second one came over to the noise. Luckily the wall cast enough shadow for the guard by the window to not see you drive your dagger into the first guard's throat. "Are you alright amigo?" The remaining guard called, silence was the only answer. Sighing the guard by the window headed towards where his partner was executed "I swear if you're playing tricks-" but he was cut off by a knife getting shoved into the back of his neck. You stowed the knife away inside your robes

Climbing the side of the house you looked into the window only to see the male before opening a door. Suddenly he looked out the window where you were, you quickly ducked below the window your heart pounding out of your chest. 'That was close' you thought peeking back into the window, he was gone
'Better make this quick' you said silently opening the window only to be slammed up against a wall, hard for you head to hit the wall making you a little fuzzy, but gentle enough to not wake the whole house. "Who are you?" The voice growled "I am T/n, the master thief" you said trying to muster up what little courage you had. As the attacker leaned forward you could see the gleaming chocolate brown eyes and silky brown hair put back into a low ponytail, the thing that interested you the most was a scar on the side of his lip. 'Though it does nothing to mess with his attractiveness-WHAT get your mind out of the gutter y/n' you thought. "So you're the mysterious T/n I've heard so much about" said the attacker "so it seems you know my name but I have yet to know yours" you said trying and failing at an innocent smile. The attacker just smirked "my name is Ezio Auditore, but I doubt T/n is your real name, and I doubt your willing to say your true name so I'll just do this" he said and tugged down your hood, allowing your h/l h/c hair to tumble out. 
Ezio's pov
Wow Ezio thought looking up up and down she's ...perfect the way here e/c shine even in the dark and her h/l silky h/c perfectly frames her face- what are you doing Ezio? This a thief breaking into your home and trying to steal from you, possibly kill you. She's not just some pretty face.
Your pov

"Uhh" you said awkwardly snapping Ezio out of his trance. "I'm feeling nice tonight and you interest me so I'll let you live, but if you ever come back here I wing hesitate to kill you" Ezio said dropping you. But before you could hit the ground,a pair of strong hands caught you and settled you on your feet. He started blushing, turned, and walked off. You however had a small smile playing at your lips and walked to window. Sliding through you ran off into the night.

---- A 2 days later----

You had given up thievery but you didn't stop protecting civilians much to your brother's dismay. And that's how found your self running as fast as you could from an angry guard on the rooftops.

It took three minutes of running but you final lost him only to run into someone you didn't want to see right now. "Oof" said Ezio stumbling "oops" you said stumbling back and having your foot slip. Right before you fell a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist and steadied you on your feet. Blushing you looked up into his deep brown eyes getting lost  in them. "Careful" he said, opened his mouth to say something more but you cut him off by kissing him. You widened your eyes as you realized what you were doing and immediately stopped. "I-I'm so s-sorry I had no-" but you were cut off by his warm lips on yours. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut and wrapped your arms around his neck while he held your waist. All too soon in both of your opinions you both cut off your kiss for air. He rested his forehead against yours "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he whispered "can I learn more about you now?" I smirk played on your lips and you started running "if you can catch me" you called over your shoulder, you saw him smile and start running as well.
The end
So that's basically it I hope you like this, its my first oneshot and I'll make more and also
Stay awesome my friends

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