I'm Not Gay. I Just Need to Date a Girl.

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A week passed by and the whole 'I'm gay' conversation was never brought up. It was like it never happened. And either Dean was avoiding bringing it up for the sake of awkwardness, or he really believed that I wasn't gay. And I wasn't sure which reason I was hoping for the most, because even though Dean was sure...I wasn't. 

And I hated it.

"I bet you ten bucks that I know what you're thinking about right now."

I glanced over at Dean, his eyes still glued to the math textbook he had in his lap, and if it wasn't for the slight smirk on his lips, I wouldn't have thought he'd spoken. Okay, time to put your best friend skills to the test. "Alright, guess."

"You want to talk about the gay thing." I blinked. How did he...? He looked up. "You wanna know how I knew?" I nodded cautiously. "Cause I've been wanting to talk about it too."

Wait, hold up. "Really?" 

He nodded. "I was actually thinking about it last night. Because knowing you, even though we settled this, you wouldn't be convinced until I had solid proof." 

"Okaaaay..." Where was he going with this?

"So it took me a couple of hours-"

"Woah, wait, that long?"

"Aaaaand," Dean huffed, "I think I have a plan." I blinked, watching as he all but abandoned his book. "You, my friend, need to go on a date."

A date? I repeated to myself, glancing around the classroom. And it wasn't that I hated the idea, I actually think it was a great one, but... "I don't know..."

"Oh, come on. Aren't you tired of wondering?" He asked, careful to keep his voice low. "Don't you want to be sure? Because I know, but clearly you need a little more convincing."

And I did. I did want to be sure because while this past week had been nothing but normal, it was different at the same time. I couldn't stop noticing every little thing about Dean. How you could see the faint freckles on his face when the sun hit it just right. Or how his eyes got a shade darker when he was annoyed or frustrated. It was like the second Dean told me I wasn't gay because I wasn't attracted to him...I started to find things to be attracted to.

Lord help me.

"Alright, cupid, have anyone in mind?" I asked, leaning on the table with my forearms, because maybe a date was exactly what I needed. And I won't lie. I was actually a bit curious to see who Dean thought would be a good match for me. I mean, he was my best friend and he knew me better than anyone else in the entire world. I'm sure he'd chose someone nice-


I choked, ducking my head as if merely saying her name would unleash the beast upon me. Meanwhile, Dean was sitting across from me with a smug look on his face. Like he couldn't be any prouder of himself.

"Tell me you're joking," I hissed.

"What? She's a nice girl." I gave him a droll stare. "Okay, so she's a little...weird, but she totally digs you, man."

"Dean." He sighed. But what? Can you blame me? I mean, it wasn't that I hated Becky. She was a nice girl and all. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a sweet smile. I really liked her at first. Until she started getting a little...intense. Following me home, sending me love notes in class, sniffing my hair when she thought I couldn't see her. Eventually I had to go see my counselor to have her switch my schedule around.

And Dean knew all of this. He knew how uncomfortable I felt around her and now he was actually suggesting that I go out on a date with this girl? "If you're trying to prove you're point about me being straight, then I really think you need a new approach." I drawled.

"Come on, Sammy. Where's that boy scout spirit? It's always easier to date the girls that already have the hots for you." The bell rang just then and we both got up from our seats, walking towards the door. "Look, I'm not saying you fall in love with her or anything, but you got a woman who will practically do anything for you." He paused for a second. "Or to you," he winked and my cheeks reddened, burning even more when he laughed at me for it. "Trust me, Sam. After you date her, you'll be on your knees thanking me."

Dean patted my back after that and headed off to his next class, leaving me standing in the doorway as I thought over his words.

Maybe Dean was right. I mean, how can I say no when I haven't really given this thing a chance? I groaned at myself and started walking towards my class. Alright then, it's settled.

I'm going on a date with Becky Felcher.

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