I'm Gay and He's an Idiot.

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I'm Gay and He's an Idiot. (Dean)

I'm doing this for Sammy, I told myself, cringing at the squeak that played from my laptop. I wrinkled my nose but stayed staring at the screen, forcing myself to watch it all. Oh, god. How the hell is that even supposed to work? I squinted a little, leaning my head closer to the screen. "There's no way in hell that's gonna go up there-"

"Oh my god, what the hell are you watching?" Sam gasped, causing me to jump in surprise and drop my laptop onto the ground.

"Gah, a little warning would be nice!" I huffed and he gaped at me. "What?"

"You were...that was..."

"Now who can't say the G word now, hmm?"

He frowned at me, brown eyes flickering between mine. "Okay, I'm just going to ask...why were you watching gay porn?"

I opened my mouth to answer when moans started to play from the speakers, and I don't know what was more adorable, the blush on Sam's cheeks, or the way he stumbled towards my laptop to close the browser.

"I..." He swallowed, shaking his head. "Explain. Now." He said in a strained voice and I raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't it obvious?" When he didn't say anything, I rolled my eyes. "I was doing it for research, Sammy. Trying to understand the gay life and stuff. You know, show my support for the skittles bunch." When he looked at me in confusion I did a jerking motion with my hand. "Taste the rainbow, get it?"

"You're such an idiot," he sighed, glancing over at the clock on his night stand. "Aaaand now we're gonna be late to school. great. I should text Gabe to save a spot for me in class."

The smile that had been on my face fell. "You're still gonna be hanging out with him?" I asked, and Sam gave me this look at said 'no duh, you dummy' before he looked back down at his phone. And I don't know why but it bugged me for reason. I mean, didn't we talk about Gabe last night? Why was Sam settling for him? He could do so much better!

"Hey, are you gonna sit there staring at me all day or are we gonna get going?" Sam raised a brow at me and I forced a smile, my thoughts focused elsewhere.

Maybe I had to show Sam that there were better guys out there for him. Guys that didn't annoy the shit out of me and that I can actually stand dating Sam. I chewed my bottom lip thoughtfully, following Sam out the front door. "Hey, are there any other gay guys at our school?" I tried to ask casually, climbing into the front seat of my Baby.

"Uh, not that I know of. As far as everyone knows it's just me and Gabe."

"Just you two?"

He nodded.

I frowned, starting up the car. Then how the hell was I supposed to show Sam that he deserved better if there were no gay guys around? I peeked over at him, watching as Sam leaned his head against the window of the door, eyes closed and a small smile on his lips. And the more I glanced at him, the more the crazy thought in my mind seemed to actually make sense.

I'd show Sammy that he deserved better, by being the guy for him. That could work right? Platonically, of course. I mean, I could just do everything the guy he should be dating should do, and when he realizes that Gabe falls short of that, he'd have to leave him, right? 

"You got that creepy smile on your face. Should I be worried?" Sam yawned, eyes peeked open to stare at me and I smiled even wider, shaking my head.


Because Sammy boy, I'm about to change your world.

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