I'm Gay and He's Confusing.

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I'm Gay and He's Confusing. (Sam)

"Here, let me hold your bag for you."

I blinked, watching as Dean all but tugged my back pack out my hands and threw it over his other shoulder, both our backpacks on his back. "Uh, thanks?" I said slowly and he beamed,  shutting my locker closed for me and walking me to class. "Uh, Dean?"

"Yes, Sammy?"

"Um, aren't you gonna be late to your class?" I frowned, trying not to let the confusion I was feeling show in my voice.

Dean shrugged, still wearing that smile of his. "I'm gonna be late either way, might as well make it worth it, right?"

Right, I thought silently, sticking my hands awkwardly in the front pockets of my jeans. Okaaay, well, this was weird. Maybe Dean was doing this as an apology for those three days of silence? I peeked over at him, looking away when I found his eyes already looking at me. I don't know why, but I was starting to feel really...bashful all of a sudden. Like, there was more to this than meets the eye. But that was crazy, right?

"Alright, need anything, Sam?" Dean asked, holding out the bag towards me as we stood in the doorway of the classroom. I could see Gabe staring at us curiously from his seat, brown eyes flickering between me and Dean as I slowly grabbed my bag from his hands.

"Uh, no. I'm uh, good. Thanks." I started to walk away when I felt his hand fall on top of my head, warm breath blowing against my ear.

"I'll be here to walk you to your next class, okay?"

And before I had a chance to respond, the warmth was gone and Dean was already down the hall, Gabe's eyes watching me the entire time.

Okay, what the hell just happened?

I swallowed nervously and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach, ducking my head as I took a seat next to Gabriel.

"What was that about?" He whispered and for once, I didn't have an answer. I knew everything about Dean. Every mannerism, every pet peeve, just everything. But as for what happened right now?

"I honestly have no clue."


True to his word, Dean was right outside the door when I got out. He was also waiting outside the doors of all my other classrooms and by the time lunch came around, I wasn't surprised to see that he was standing there once again, a smile dancing on his lips as he leaned up against the wall with his hands tucked into the pocket of his leather jacket. And gods, it made my heart warm at the sight. Especially since he wasn't paying any attention to the girls around him either, and yet...

"I'm not mad at you anymore, Dean," I told him, seeing his head tilt in confusion. I rolled my eyes and gestured towards him. "I mean, you don't have to keep walking me to class . We're good, Dee."

"That's what you think this is about?" When I just stared at him, he snorted, throwing his arm around my shoulder and tugging me with him towards the cafeteria. "Psh, I knew I was forgiven the second you saw me sitting on your porch, Sam."

I scowled and whacked him in the arm, laughing at the whine he gave before I saw Gabe waiting right next to the cafeteria doors, his eyes lighting up when they met mine. "Sammyboy, I was waiting for you!"

"Hey, Gabe-"

"He doesn't like being called Sammy, you know," Dean cut off, my eyes flickering over to him in surprise, but he was too focused on Gabe to even notice, eyes a dark murky green.

Gabe frowned. "You call him that though."

"Special privilege."

"Dean-" I started to say, but Gabe held up a hand, his eyes twinkling in amusement.

"No, no, it's okay, Sam. Dean's right. I'll just have to earn that privilege." Dean narrowed his eyes. "And I'll do that by offering you to sit with me and my friends today at lunch."

I blinked at him. He wanted me to meet his friends. Wasn't that, like, taking the next step in the relationship? I bit my lip. Did I want to take that next step? "Well, uh, actually-"

"-we'd love to," Dean cut off, squeezing me closer to his side. "Wouldn't we, Sammy?"

"Uh, yeah," I said absent mindedly, too focused on the way that despite them talking to me, they kept staring at each other the entire time during it.

Okay, seriously. What the hell was going on here?

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