I'm Not Gay. I just Kissed A Boy.

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I'm Not Gay. I Just Kissed A Boy.

Of course, the game would've been a great idea if the bottle ever landed on me.

I sighed, placing my elbow on my knees and leaning my head against the palm of my hand. We were all sitting Indian-style on the floor, the bottle set right in the middle, but it seemed that no matter how many times it spun, the dumb thing wouldn't stop on me. Hell, even Gabe looked frustrated because he'd always end up kissing the person beside me instead of me.

Yeah, great idea, Sam. You might not end up kissing anyone tonight. I thought bitterly.

"Sammy, man! There you are!" Dean beamed, nearly falling on top of me if he hadn't of placed his hands on the wall beside me. I peeked up at him, noticing his flush cheeks and disheveled hair.

"Thought you were busy," I said, disinterested as I stared at the bottle spinning in the center of the circle. Nope. Not me.

"I'm done now. 'Sides, I'm never too busy for you," he smirked, ruffling my hair and ignoring the scowl on my face as he plopped down beside me. "Kiss anyone yet?" He asked and I sighed miserably, shaking my head.

"It hasn't even landed on me," I pouted, and Dean chuckled, stopping the bottle one of the girls had spun so it landed on him.

"Come 'ere, sugar," he winked, and the blonde giggled, crawling across the circle and kissing him smack on the lips before going back to her spot. Meanwhile, I gaped at Dean. Are you kidding me? Was that all it took?

"Here ya go, Sammy. Take my turn," Dean smiled, handing me the bottle and I swallowed, my fingers twitching nervously before I set it down in the middle. Alright, here it goes. I flicked my wrist and sat back, blushing at the sparkle in Gabe's eyes as he stared at me from across the circle. Gods, what I'd give to-

"The fuck?"

The girls giggled wildly while the boys cringed, all their eyes landing on Dean as he gaped down at the bottle. I choked on my spit, eyes wide in disbelief. Are you kidding me? No. No, no, no! It was supposed to land on Gabe, not him! I groaned, shaking my head. "Re-spin." I said, starting to reach forward when a hand smacked mine.

"Nu-uh. Nice try, Winchester. Either you kiss Dean-o here or the entire group, those are the rules," Meg smirked and I swallowed, glancing towards Dean.

"Dean, I'll be quick-"

"Oh fuck this shit. Let's get out of here," He grunted, pushing himself up, and the group whined, pawing at his legs as he brushed passed them and towards the door. When I didn't move, he raised a brow, waving me towards him. "You comin' or what?" He huffed, and I bit my lip, eyes flickering around the circle and landing on Gabe's before I looked away.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I mumbled, starting after him, and I'll admit, it hurt. I mean, I know that Dean wasn't all the comfortable with the whole gay thing but he didn't have to act so...disgusted by it. I blinked away the water from my eyes, nearly out the door when I felt a tug on my arm. "What? Oh, Gabe. Look, I'm so sorry man-" I started to say, but I was cut off, when his lips pressed against mine. Soft, wet, warm, and sweet.

"You forgot this," he breathed against my lips and I stared at him, utterly breathless before I heard Dean curse from behind me and pull me away from him.

"Gabriel, keep your lips to yourself, man," he growled and the other man stared at him, a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"See you later, Sam," Gabe winked and I managed a small smile before I was pulled out of the house.


"I can't believe you let him kiss you," he hissed, his hand tightening around my wrist. I stumbled after him.


"Was it because of yesterday?" He asked suddenly, stopping us in front of the Impala and letting my wrist go. I blinked at him.


"The whole 'I wanna kiss a boy' thing. Is that why you let him kiss you?" I didn't say anything. He chuckled bitterly. "Look, I don't give a shit if that's what you wanna do, but Gabriel? Seriously, Sammy? You wasted your first gay kiss with that guy?" What?

"That's why you're upset?" I asked incredulously. I mean, don't get me wrong. It was a total relief to hear that, but why did Dean care who I kissed? Gabe was a nice guy.

"You could do a lot better than a guy like him," he snorted, shaking his head at me and running a hand through his already tossled hair. He paused. "So...did you find out?" He asked slowly and I shrugged, giving him a sheepish smile.

"You kinda distracted me," I admitted and he stared at me for a moment before he wrinkled his nose, his eyes flickering off to the side thoughtfully before he looked back towards me.

"Fine. Then I guess we'll do it your way." He said simply and I furrowed my brows, watching as he got inside the Impala and stared at me expectantly. I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously, shutting the car door shut behind me and Dean sighed, green eyes pointedly avoiding my gaze.

"I mean, if you wanna kiss a boy, then fine. You're gonna kiss a boy." He pulled out of the driveway, grip tight on the wheel, and it wasn't until we reached his house when I realized exactly what he meant.

Tonight wasn't gonna be the night that I kissed Gabriel. No, tonight will also be the night I kiss Dean Wesson.

Holy shit.

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