I'm Not Gay. I Just Wanna Play A Game.

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I'm Not Gay. I Just Wanna Play A Game.

I don't know why I was so desperate to prove that I wasn't gay.

Maybe it was because I didn't want to lose Dean. Maybe it was because I was afraid of what being gay exactly meant for me. Or maybe, it was because I just really didn't want to be gay. Whatever the case may be, whatever was behind motivating me to do anything that Dean says to prove how straight I really was, it was a real pain in the ass, because this....

This was hell.

I know what you're thinking. What kind of teenager hates parties, right? I should be having the time of my life here. Free booze. Drunk girls. This, right here, was exactly the kind of place where a guy would want to be.

So why was I huddled in the corner with a water bottle in my hand and my eyes glued on my best friend grinding on some slut?

I frowned, watching as Dean wrapped his strong arms around the girl's small waist, eyes sparkling with that devilish look I've come to known all too well. I don't know why I couldn't look away. It wasn't like I didn't know what was coming next. Dean would probably tell the girl how pretty she was and how he can't stop thinking about her, then he'd lean forward and press him lips right against hers and-

"Glare any harder and I think they might explode," A voice whispered from beside me and I jumped, dropping the bottle from my hands and onto the hardwood floor as my eyes snapped over to the person next to me. "Hey there, good looking," the boy winked, bending over and retrieving the bottle for me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Do I know you?" I frowned, snatching the bottle out of his hands before glancing out towards the dance floor. He was gone. Great, Dean and her were probably up stairs screwing right now.

"Nope, but you looked so lonely over here I thought I'd keep you company." I dragged my eyes back to him. "The name's Gabriel, but for you? You can just call me Gabe," he smirked and I stared at him in confusion for a second before realization hit me and my cheeks flamed. I was getting hit on? I almost wanted to laugh. Dean had dragged my sorry ass to this party in the first place so I could find some desperate girl to hook up with and instead, I've somehow managed to land myself in the exact position he didn't want me in.

With a gay guy.

"What? Too strong? Should I start over again?

I snorted, giving him an unimpressed (but secretly very impressed) once over. "No, I'm just wondering why you chose to hit on me of all people." Especially since no one knew I was gay, I added silently.

"You're kidding, right?" When I stared at him in confusion, he laughed. "Okay, well, for one, you're smoking hot." I rolled my eyes. "Two, you're just my type. And three," he lowered his voice, inclining his head towards mine,"I really really would like to kiss you." My mouth dropped, eyes flickering down to his lips as he continued to stare at me expectantly, probably waiting for a response, and even though I wanted to give him one...I really didn't know what to say.

If I was being objective here, I could say that Gabe was actually a good looking guy. He had soft brown hair that reached the nape of his neck and chocolate brown eyes that were really hard to look away from, not to mention, there was just some kind of energy about the guy that made you feel instantly comfortable around him. If I was gay, I could see myself actually being interested in him. Yet...

"Tell me again why we're going to this stupid party?" I sighed, leaning my head miserably against the car window as Dean drove us to his friend's house.

He rolled his eyes. "Well obviously dating didn't work out, so I think we need a different approach tonight."

"Which is?"

"By the end of tonight, Sammy, you need to have done one thing. Make out with a girl."

"And that's how I'll know if I'm gay?"

He shook his head. "No. That's how you'll know that you're straight."

I wrinkled my nose. Yeah, I doubt telling Dean that I decided to do my own way and kiss a guy instead would sit well with him. I glanced over to the side, my eyes catching sight of the group of people sitting on the living room floor. "Well, why don't we play spin the bottle then?" I asked him, seeing Gabe raise an eyebrow curiously. Dean can't blame me for kissing a guy if it was by accident, right? And hey, maybe I'll even kiss a couple of girls in the process too.

"Spin the bottle?"

"You want that kiss don't you? Maybe you'll get lucky." And my heart raced at the smile that came across his lips, my arm tingling from where his hand touched it.

"Alright, I love games, but just so you know," he leaned forward. "I will be kissing you tonight."

And I gulped. But out of fear or hunger, I honestly don't know.

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