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Hinata woke up to the noise of loud shuffling. Sitting up, she looked around to see Sakura shuffling through clothes, most likely to find her favourite sweat pants. Cause who doesn't have a pair? Standing up, Hinata headed to the bathroom after wishing her friend a good morning. Brushing her teeth and hair, she walked back into her room to change. Similar to Sakura's outfit, she wore her favourite grey sweatpants and a black, loose t-shirt. They were training the recruits today, so there was no need to wear their normal gear.

Walking out, she saw Sakura waiting for her next to their door. Smiling at her, Sakura motioned her head forwards, indicating they should begin walking towards the canteen. Seems like she wasn't in a talkative mood this morning. The walk was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Reaching the big, double doors that lead to the canteen, the girls pushed them open. Inside was full of loud chattering and the sounds of silver wear.

In the centre of the big crowd was the one, big table reserved for the Leaf 11, Naruto and Sasuke were seated on the table next to them. Walking over the the line up, the girls picked up their breakfast before walking over to their table. Nodding a hello to the new recruits as they passed by, they greeted their friends.

"Hey guys." Hinata said. Sakura nodded her head in greeting. What was up with her today?

"Yo guys! You look youthful as ever today!" Lee replied.

"Are those the new recruits?" Tenten questioned, motioning over to the boys seated next to them.

Sakura nodded her head yes. "What's wrong Sak? You're not one to stay quiet too long." Ino asked worriedly.

Sakura made a motion to her throat. "Ohhh are you feeling sick?" Kiba asked.

She nodded yes again. "You should have rested today, nothing important is happening." Shino said.

Sakura sighed and looked to Hinata, hoping she would explain. Understanding, Hinata explained how they were going to start training the new recruits today.

"Well don't over work yourself, okay?" Neji said, he was very over protective of his friends, or in Tenten's case, girlfriend. Sakura nodded her head again, looks like she's going to be doing that a lot today. Her throat just hurt so much! At least she had great friends who cared about her.


Naruto and Sasuke glanced over at the table, it seems the gang leader was sick. Naruto watched as Sakura was about to get up to throw away her left overs, only for Hinata to get up and take both of theirs instead, telling the pinkette to rest. He thought the pale eyed girl was sweet, taking care of her friend like that. She was beautiful too. He was excited to see if she could fight as well as he heard she could!

Earlier they had met up with two other members, Suigestu and Juugo, who had told them of the girls' skills. The two members were former Oto citizens, but wanted to get away from The Sound, so they joined The Leaf.
Naruto wasn't the only one excited for training, the Uchiha was as well. Unlike his idiot friend, he wasn't focusing on the girls themselves, but their skills. If they were to have a practice fight he or Naruto could probably take out Sakura, since she was sick.

The duckbutt was already planning strategies, though he didn't know he was severely underestimating the girls.


After breakfast, the girls met up with the boys outside the doors of the training room. Motioning them to enter, the boys opened the doors and were once again in awe of the room. Hinata pushed the boys in and closed the doors. Her and Sakura walked over to the targets.

"Come over here, we'll start off with target practice!" Hinata yelled across the room, breaking the boys from their trance. When they reached the girls, Hinata began to explain to them the techniques they should use and what not. After that Sakura demonstrated, hitting every target dead centre.

"Now you try." Hinata said, handing them a throwing knife each.

Trying to mimick the position he saw Sakura in, Naruto aimed for the target, before throwing the knife with a swift, yet awkward flick of his wrist. The knife landed close to the edge of the board.

"Not bad, for your first try. Most newbies would completely miss the board." Hinata said smiling, with Sakura doing a thumbs up at him behind her.

Sasuke mimicked Naruto, which is something he thought he would never have to do. His pride once again, refused to let him be out done. With the same flick of his wrist as Naruto, less awkwardly though, Sasuke threw the knife. It landed farther to the edge than Naruto's did.

"I BEAT THE TEME!!" Naruto cheered, as he began dancing around the room, making the girls sweatdrop and an irk mark appear on Sasuke's head. Growling, the raven walked up to the board to pull out his knife. He was going to practice till he beat that dobe. Seeing his friend do this, Naruto ran back to his board as well. He was going to hit that target before his emo best friend, believe it!

Meanwhile the girls looked at each other, it seems they didn't have to do much to get the boys to practice, they were already dead set on beating each other. The two girls left the room, the boys wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, and they didn't. They left the next morning, tired and leaning on each other for support, but had proud looks on their faces. They had finally hit the target.
I hope that brought up some nostalgia for you :3 how's the book? Good? Bad? Trash? Let me know with a comment? 💕

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