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They were almost there, the interrogation unit was in sight. It was an old run down building, the perfect disguise in all honesty. Sasuke somehow became the group leader, walking faster and faster the closer the building got. No one questioned why, not even Naruto. Although the blonde already knew the answer, the teme cared for Sakura, a lot. Finally reaching close enough to the building, the team began formulating a battle plan to get into the unit. In the end they decided to split up into two groups, seven people will charge in first, and six will come in shortly after as a somewhat surprise attack. Sasuke and Naruto were part of the group to charge in first, so in about ten minutes time they were running down several hallways trying to find a glimpse of pink hair.

After reaching a fork in their way, they decided to split up and continue their search. Sasuke was halfway down the hallway when he heard slow, almost sluggish, footsteps coming his way. Taking out his shot gun just in case, he slowly walked towards the sound. Yet as soon as he saw who it was he began running towards them, putting his gun away at the same time. Sakura looked up after hearing the sound of running footsteps and widened her eyes, Sasuke tackled her into a tight hug. Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he began mumbling things about being relieved she was okay. The scene almost resembled what happened when Naruto saw Hinata alive and well at Sand's base, yet the moment was cut short when Sakura's knees began to buckle.

Luckily for her, Sasuke caught her just before she could slip from his grasp. Now carrying her bridal style, he was able to see the extent of her wounds. Knowing this was a torture and interrogation unit, he didn't ask any questions. Instead he began running towards the entrance, which was hopefully cleared by now.


It had taken her an hour but she was finally out of the room and walking down the long, dark hallways. The room was left unlocked as they would not expect her to get out, being tied down and all. About 15 minutes in her footsteps began to get sluggish, her eyes were starting to droop. She knew she had lost a lot of blood, it was a surprise to her that she was still alive. She was still using the wall for support, and the last time she looked back which was when she just left the room, her fingers were so caked in blood they left a faded trail of it on the wall. Not wanting to look back and see if her trail was still ongoing, she shook her head and continued her slow walk. Suddenly she stopped again, noticing how she couldn't hear her footsteps when she walked. She could only hear a quiet buzz, like the one you hear if you hit your head too hard. It must be an after effect of the beating. Continuing her journey she got five minutes in before she was stopped again by the sound of loud, fast footsteps coming towards her.

Looking up, her vision was slightly blurry yet she could make out the silhouette of a man. When he got closer she realized in was no other than Sasuke Uchiha, making her widen her eyes. What surprised her even more was the tight hug he brought her in, as if he was afraid she would disappear if he let go. Deciding to enjoy the moment, she weakly hugged back. That is, before her knees began to buckle, guess she used too much energy. Sasuke caught her and looked at her with concern, before he took off running back down the hall. Sakura let herself fall asleep, her body needed a rest.


Hinata wanted to cry for the second time today, this time out of pure shock and sadness after seeing Sakura's tattered form. Her closest friend looked almost dead, and it scared her. Ino didn't even try to hold in her tears, as she burst into a sob and ran over to the pinkette in Sasuke's arms.

"Let's get back to The Leaf, it's the closest to here and Sakura needs medical attention ASAP." Neji said, holding Tenten's hand and beginning to walk out of the building.

Everyone nodded and began walking out after them, creating a circle around  their sleeping leader and her care taker.


Shizune came out of the ER with a smile on her face, easing everyone's nerves.

"She'll be fine, but I'm not sure she'll be able to fight in the battle." Shizune told them.

"What? Why? We need her! She's one of the strongest members of the gang!" Lee said, worry once again taking over his features.

Shizune sighed. "Her injuries were severe, and I'm sure it's hard to use a gun with two broken fingers and a concussion."

"Oh.." Lee mumbled.

"Not only that but her gashes are very deep and she lost a lot of blood. You're lucky you found her when you did, otherwise she could have died of blood loss."

"Good job Sasuke-teme!" Naruto said, giving him a thumbs up from across the room. Sasuke only nodded.

"Can we see her now?" The Uchiha asked.

"No I would like her to rest now, maybe tomorrow." Shizune bowed then left.

Everyone slowly started to leave , Sasuke being the last after looking back at the doors of the ER.


Everyone had visited her except a certain raven, and if kind of saddened her. She was allowed to walk around as she regained most of her energy while sleeping, so she decided to pay a visit to her old mentor, Tsunade. Slipping on a hospital robe over her gown, she put on some slippers and walked outside. Going towards the field her teacher was always at, she spotted her under one of the few cherry blossom trees. The field was scattered with rocks of all shapes and sizes, giving the field a strange look. Sitting infront of her mentor she just stayed quiet, enjoying the breeze with her.


Sasuke was running late on visiting Sakura, as his team decided to be very slow with training today. When he got to the hospital, the staff told him Sakura was visiting her old mentor in a field not far from the hospital, nodding to them he began to walk towards the field. When he got there he was surprised about how the field looked like, yet his thoughts were forgotten when he saw Sakura under a nearby cherry blossom tree. Walking towards her he sat down next to her, and read the name on the rock in front of her.

Tsunade Senju

The graveyard was full of tombstones of all shapes and sizes, which made Sasuke think about how many of those people Sakura knew. Putting an arm around her shoulder, he let her lean her head on his shoulder. They stayed quiet, and enjoyed the soft breeze under the cherry blossom tree.
Hi guys! How are you? This chapter was full of Sasusaku feels so next chapter I'll try to add more of the other ships. Are you busy excited to see how the 'war' will turn out? Let me knowwww!

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