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Shikamaru covered his eyes with his arm as he lay down, he had reached Sand about an hour ago and the only person awake was the leader himself. It was around 6am now and although they told him to sleep, he was too worried and stressed to even close his eyes for a second. The Leaf had been alerted and he could only imagine the havoc going on there, he knew for sure Sakura and Hinata were strong enough to hold out on their own but what if they were caught. They could have gotten lost as well. The lazy boy groaned and rolled over, this was all too troublesome.

Right then the door to his room opened, letting in the bright lights of the hallway. Temari walked in and looked at her boyfriend with sympathy, she closed the door and walked over to the bed. Sitting on it she began rubbing his back, in hopes of helping him relax. Suddenly Shikamaru turned around and grabbed her hand, pulling her down next to him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, before closing his eyes and finally falling asleep. Temari looked at him and softened her eyes, before turning around and hugging him back.


Hinata woke up to blinding sunlight and rustling leaves, she groaned and slowly sat up. Rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them, she looked around a bit before remembering what happened last night. Getting on her feet she tried listening for any sound of cars, or people. Finding nothing but the sound of nature the dark haired girl sighed, and began walking in a random direction. She could only hope Shikamaru and Sakura were ok.


Sakura woke up in the same metal chair, the only difference this time was the blinding pain in her hand and the small puddle of half dried blood at her feet. She let out a small groan before she began feeling light headed and nauseous, looks like she was suffering from blood loss. There were obviously no windows in the room so she had no idea what time it was, she didn't even know how long she was asleep. The only door suddenly cracked open and the same man from yesterday walked in, this time without the woman.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up." He said. Sakura stayed quiet, she barely had enough energy in her to look up at him.

"Not gonna answer me? How rude." He said again, this time he he cut along her collar bone. Any higher and he could have slit her throat. Sakura let out a hiss.

"There's no way in hell I'll have The Leaf drop out of the war." Sakura growled lowly. The man chuckled.

"Fine then. But the least you can do is give us some information." Sakura only gave him a weak glare.

"Tell me, how many members will each gang approximately have fighting?" He asked.

"I don't know." Sakura replied.

"Wrong answer." He said before stabbing her thigh, making Sakura scream. She gripped the arm rests on the chair, trying to block out the pain.

"If seems a knife alone won't make you crack, I'll be back in a few minutes." He said before walking out of the room again, leaving Sakura to watch the puddle of blood on the floor grow.


Naruto was close to hyperventilating, after hearing that Sakura, Hinata and Shikamaru were attacked he's been worried sick. He wasn't the only one either, the whole base was at the edge of being chaotic. The ones trying to calm everyone down and get everything back in order were the original Leaf 11. Sasuke was trying to help out as well, his usual pride refused to let him show any sign of worry. Naruto began taking deep breaths, Hinata would be fine. At least he hoped she would.


Sasuke was inwardly panicking, but he refused to show it. He's become very attached to the pinkette and just the thought of her being hurt made his heart leap to his throat. He looked around at the panicking members, some were gathering weapons for an unknown reason, others were simply running around trying to figure out what was happening. He looked over to his idiot best friend and slightly frowned when he saw the panicked look on his face, he walked over to him and put a hand in his shoulder.

"Naruto?" He asked, shaking the blonde'a shoulder slightly.

As if snapping out of a daze, Naruto shook his head and answered. "Huh- oh! Hey teme."

Sasuke merely sighed at the nickname. "Cmon lets try to help the Leaf 11, we're one of them now so we should be calm as well."

"Yeah! Let's get this settled down and save the girls Dattebayo!"


She was so happy she might have started crying, she finally found a road! Not only that but Hinata spotted a hidden tunnel just across the street. Looking around she recognized the area as Sand territory, perfect. Hopping into the tunnel she began jogging towards what she remembered would be the entrance to their base. It took her around 20 minutes and upon reaching the huge door she was tackled into a hug, blonde hair blocked her view. Hinata didn't know why, but she immediately hoped it was Naruto who was hugging her. Yet she realized the height of the person did not match his nor did the body structure.

"Oh my god Hinata! You're ok!" Temari said, after letting go. Shikamaru walked out soon after, smiling in relief after seeing his co-leader. That smile disappeared after seeing Sakura wasn't there, right then his girlfriend asked exactly what he had been thinking.

"Where's Sakura?"


She honesty thought her hair didn't look pink anymore, it was probably closer to red. They had beaten and cut her endlessly until they finally gave up, saying they would come again the next day. She knew from her medical knowledge Tsunade had thought her that she had two broken fingers and several deep gashes all over her body. She could also feel blood dripping from the wound on her temple. The pain had left about an hour ago and now everything just felt numb. She had tried  getting out of the restraints but she ended up cutting her wrists slightly instead.

How can she be so weak? She was the leader of a gang for gods sake! Sakura felt tears prickling the back of her eyes but she refused to let them fall, she refused to give up just like that. She raised her head and looked around the room for anything she could use to get out of the chair. Soon after she spotted a loose screw on the leg of the chair, it was the screw that was holding one of her leg restraints on. She mentally scolded herself for not noticing that sooner, it probably came loose while they were hitting her. After much effort she finally got her leg out, she then proceeded on kicking the other restraint until it fell of as well.

Now onto her hands, if she could kick off the leg restraint, they must be weaker than they seem. Sakura began moving her wrist around until the restraint became loose, she slid her hand out and began working on the other one. Not long after she was finally free, she was about to get up until she almost fell back down. Right, blood loss. Sakura sighed and stood up again, this time using the table for support, this was gonna take a while.


The Leaf 11 were leaving Rain's base and heading to what they figured out was the Sound's interrogation and torture unit, which is where they believed Sakura was. Before heading to Rain, they had stopped by The Sand and discovered Hinata had safely made it there. Naruto had run up to the girl and hugged her, surprising her. Nonetheless she hugged him back, equally as relieved to see him. Now they just had to find Sakura.
Hii everyone! How's the book so far? I hope it's good. If you have any ideas or advice just let me know with a comment ❤️

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