Welcome to The Leaf

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Sakura landed with a thud at the bottom of the hole. Hinata had gone ahead to prepare the rest of the gang for the new comers arrival. After losing the battle against Sound, Sakura, Hinata and a few other members set out to find new recruits, as they had lost quite a few members in the fight. Hinata and her saw potential in the two boys, and decided to give them a chance.

Looking at the boys, she motioned them to follow her as she walked down the dim tunnel. Not wanting to be left behind by the mysterious girl, the boys hurried behind her. They honestly has no idea what came across them when they agreed to follow the girls, but it was better than being in the middle of the attack, that's for sure.


After about 10 minutes of waking, Sakura came to a stop at a dead end.

"Ne, Sakura-chan? Did you go the wrong way?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his blonde friend. Where had the 'chan' come from? It's not like he cared or anything, he was just curious.

"No, Naruto. Hold on a sec."

Sakura flipped over a rock on the bottom of the wall, revealing a scan pad. Placing her thumb on the scanner, the little light above it turned green. Suddenly the wall that was standing before them, slid sideways revealing a large lounge.

"Welcome to The leaf." Sakura said, before walking in.

Inside was very fancy, for a gang hideout. It had large, comfortable looking couches and recliners, a bar on the left wall, another door on the right and a huge flatscreen in the centre. It was also full of people, even some kids!
Naruto and Sasuke stared in awe. This is not what they expected a hideout to look like. Suddenly Hinata jogged up to then, holding two glasses of water. Handing it to the boys, she told them to drink as they must be tired after all they experienced today.

"Follow us while you're drinking, we want to show you around quickly." Hinata said. The boys nodded.

Walking behind them through the door on the right, they saw a hallway with several doors on either side.

"These are some of the rooms our members stay in." Sakura explained.

Walking the down a series of other hallways, they made it the another door. Inside was what looked like a huge training facility. There were weapons, targets, obstacle courses and gym equipment.

"This is where we train. It's also where we have our little fights here and there. See that board over there?" Hinata said, pointing to a board on the far wall, that was numbered from 1-13.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.

"It's how we keep track of who our strongest members are." Sakura said. The  board read,


"Who's 12 & 13?" Naruto questioned.

"Whoever can beat Ino will be 11, and Ino will become 12, if someone beats her again, that person will be 12, and Ino will be 13." Hinata explained.

"So you and Sakura are the strongest?" Sasuke asked.

"Technically, Hinata and me would be tied for 1st, but I won 1 fight against her that put me in the lead." Sakura confirmed.

"Cool! I wanna be on the top!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Hn. It seems easy. We can probably take out the Ino girl quickly." Sasuke said.

"Hah. Shes stronger than she looks." Hinata said. "But there's something you should know. If you're on the list, you also become one of the most targeted members in our gang. Being on top comes with a lot of risks."

"Have you two been targeted?"

"All the time." Sakura said.

"Well me and teme will make it to the top Dattebayo!" Naruto said proudly.

"Good luck. But this isn't what we brought you here for." Sakura said.

"Well no shit." Sasuke said.

Sakura glared at him before continuing. "We want you two to join The leaf."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, as if having some sort of inner conversation. They looked back at the girls with determination filled eyes.

"We'll join." Sasuke agreed.

"Yeah! We're gonna become the strongest gangsters ever! Then I'm gonna become the leader! You can be my co-leader teme."

Hinata scoffed at this. "Well you're gonna have to take me and Sakura down to do that. She's the leader and I'm the co-leader."

The boys stared at them in shock for about, the 30th time that day. How can two girls be gang leaders?!

"W-well all we have to do is get to the top of the list right?" Naruto asked.

"No idiot. By take us down we mean you have to kill us. The only other way would be if we willingly gave our positions to you." Hinata replied.

"Ohhh" Naruto said awkwardly.

"Anywayss, since you joined we might as well give you two your rooms." Sakura said.

"Alright. Come on dobe." Sasuke said, following the pinkette who just walked back out the door.


Naruto and Sasuke got rooms that were next to each other. They were medium sized rooms, since they had to fit hundreds of rooms here, they couldn't give everyone huge rooms. The rooms were very plain, but the girls promised to help them decorate in the near future. They also needed clothes, as they only had what they were wearing. Let's just say they had a huge shopping trip coming up.

The boys learned that everyone calls the strongest members the 'Leaf 11', and that no one has taken any of them down since they got up there.  If no one could take even the weakest of them, how were they supposed to? They could throw a couple punches, yes, but actually fight? They had no experience at all.

Looks like things just got a whole lot more interesting.
I'm in a very fallish mood 🍂🎃🕸

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