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{Credit to nicicia on deviantart.}
(Levi looks like a puppy version of the one in the picture.)

Levi's POV:

I got here too early...

Mother told me to be early to get a good alpha just in case every good one was taken and I'd be stuck with the last dickhead...

My father abused my mother because she was one of the last omegas to come to this event.

She was late and had to have the last alpha. An abusive, disgusting alpha that cheated on her and raped her multiple times.

But here I am...

Sitting alone in an empty picnic area!

I heard shuffling from the bushes in front of me and got up off of my stomach.

I growled.

It could be a threat, anyone could follow a young defenceless omega into the woods...

A brown wolf walked out of the tree shrubs and looked at me.

I sniffed the air near them experimentally, intrigued by them.


Eren's POV:

I walked into the clearing of the ritual meeting ground and saw a black wolf pup, the wolf stood with its ears up straight and it sniffed the air.

I looked around the grassy field...

No ones here?

Where are all the Omegas at?

"Where is everyone?" I asked the black wolf.

"We're the only ones so far..." I walked up to him and sniffed at him.

"You're an omega!" I said.

"And you're an alpha..." He shyly stated, averting his eyes.

"You came here early too?" The raven haired wolf nodded his head in answer.

I nudged his side softly and made him sway to his right.

I wanted to play with this new omega.

He stumbled to his side, getting balance on his legs.

"What are you doing?" He asked, still being cautious of me.

"Come on, let's play." I started jumping around him in circles whilst he just watched me.

"Don't you wanna play?" I ask him, looking dejected and formed a visible pout with puppy dog eyes.

He whimpers and started nuzzling my side as well, showing he wanted to play as well.

He starts running in circles around me, making me excited so I chase after him.

The others start to arrive, but this new wolf and I are too busy playing around to notice them.

We stop running for a while and I start to chat with him.

He's a male omega, after all...

"What's your name?" He stopped panting after our game and he looked up at me with slanted silver eyes.


"I'm Eren!" I replied.

My instincts were taking over my thoughts, my alpha wolf was speaking to me, telling me to have this omega...

It's like I'm not a 10 year old kid, I'm a real adult alpha!

"Be mine, Omega." I spoke forcefully low.

Now my alpha was speaking through me, to the poor omega.

The raven before me shivered at my tone and drooped his tail between his legs.

"Yes, Alpha." Was his shaky reply, even though I sounded forceful, I could sense happiness in his eyes.

Third Person POV:

The event didn't finish until well past everyones bedtime.

It was dark out, the dinner was served and they all ate dinner happily in their own bundles.

The Alphas and the Omegas would learn about one another in that time and would sniff at the other to get to know their scents.

Some Alphas would tease the Omegas but would be forced to leave the ritual  if they showed their human forms.

The human form was sacredly for mates only, to show their respect for one another.

Once the Alpha and the Omega mate in wolf form they will show their human forms.

'Don't judge a book by its cover' is the example people use nowadays as it does not matter how beautiful they are on the outside when they are covered in fur.
You get to know their personality thus falling in love with the person and not the face...

After many hours of chatting or most likely cuddling the Alphas and the Omegas went their separate ways, back to their homes.

Eren's POV:

Levi and I talked for the whole evening!

I got to know nearly everything about him. He told me about his father, he is quite an abusive alpha...

I won't ever be violent towards my Omega like that! Levi deserves a good alpha and a good life.

I walked back to the edge of the woods and saw my father waiting with a small rabbit hanging from his mouth.

I smiled happily to him in greeting and trotted to his side proudly.

He turned his head towards me and spat the rabbit out of his mouth to speak.

"How'd it go?" He greeted and sniffed the air.

"You stink like Omega." He curled his nose in distaste.

I growled at him for talking about my Omegas scent like it was trash.

"I wasn't trying to insult it, it's just strong..."

I stopped growling and my father started walking along the forest with me following closely behind him, not forgetting the rabbits.

I picked them up and carried them myself.

I'll give these to mother like I caught them, cause I'm a strong alpha!

"Tell me about your Omega when your mothers here, she wouldn't want me to know before her."

I nodded my head and smiled when I saw Levi flash through my mind.

This was going to be a long wait for me...

I wouldn't see my mate until we were both 15...

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