Exams and preperation

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(I'm sorry to say I don't actually have the name of the artist but it's amazing)

No ones POV:

A year went by.

Eren's birthday had been and gone and the meet was soon arriving.

The alpha elders declared all unmated alphas have physical exams.

They had to check everything including: their stamina for their omegas heat (running), How powerful their muscles were (lifting), How they would fight back if a threat touched their Omega (hand to hand combat).

These were all passed easily by Eren.

Until they announced the checking of the reproductive organs... They checked everything under the belt,

Eren luckily passed!

He wasn't impressed when his father and mother started crying with laughter when he told them the traumatic story.

They enjoyed every minute of it.

"Just think...Levi has to have those exams as well, but on the inside." He cringed as he thought of being a bottom, poor omegas.

Poor Levi.

Levi's POV:

The doctors had to see if I was working properly, in other words to see if my womb would be able to produce pups..."

They checked my ass, prostate and heat glands and even my chest.

Lastly, they checked if my eggs were ready to be fertilised. This was the most important part of the exams.

"Your eggs should be ready on the day." The doctors smiled as I passed by them.

I turned 18 in December, I was a little younger than Eren. We were born in the same year only a couple of months after each other.

After our little talk in the woods, I realised I definitely wanted him as my alpha and I wanted his litter.


"Levi! Levi, You need to look wonderful tonight!"

Mother called as she practically threw me in the warm bathtub.

The ritual wasn't for another 6 hours, but she forcefully bathed me and brushed me, even puffed up the fur on my butt a little.

She was more excited than I was!

"Why are you so excited? It's not that big of a deal."

I chuckled at her open hanging mouth.

"Not that big! I might become a grandmother young man! If only your father were here to see his little boy off."

My mood turned sour at the mention of my father.

He was probably banging some slut down town.
I didn't even want him here, Eren promised me he'd beat him up if he caught him cheating or lay a finger on my mother or sister. So, I have nothing to worry about when I'm not here.

Mikasa ran into my tiny room and looked me up and down.

She held up two hand made bracelets. She hung the purple one on my wrist, but held the blue one out to me.

"This is for Eren." She's so cute!

"I'll give it to him as soon as I see him."

"You'll give something else to hi-" I threw a pillow at my mother before she could finish that sentence with the innocent Mikasa in the room.

She looked up confused. "You'll be an auntie, is what she means to say."

I blush when Mikasa starts running round chanting about being an auntie, whilst swinging the bracelet around.

"The alpha she picks in the future will get a right talking to when he comes to stay over here."  Mother hummed in agreement as Mikasa walked out of the room, leaving the blue string with beads on, on my pillow.

"You look so good! My handsome boy." She kissed the top of my head and started to tear up.

"Hey! I'm coming back you know!" I didn't show emotion, even since my first heat I stopped crying and other things.

Sometime tomorrow I will show Eren my human form.... I might even get pregnant.


Mother held me for what felt like hours but I quickly pulled away when I realised I could be late.

Leaving an alpha alone wasn't a very good idea especially on a night as special as this.

We ran to the woods near the cave I picked out one years ago, mother wasn't allowed past a certain point or else she may be taken as a threat to Eren so she stayed behind and brushed my fur again.

I started to jog toward our mating cave and saw eren's form near the mouth of the cave.

He didn't enter unless the Omega be present.

"I'm sorry I'm late alpha." I panted but all he did was smile and lick my ears.

He waited for me to enter first with him after.

I remembered nearly every detail about this place! It was nice.

Last year on the last day he and I tore some bark off of the nearby trees to use as a makeshift door.

We didn't want bears or other animals snooping in whilst mating otherwise Eren would go crazy.

This is an emotional time for both alpha and omega.

Connection is what we need to become a mated pair and be able to live together.

"So..." he said awkwardly. "You haven't changed." I smiled as he shook himself and ran up to me, laying on the nest of nature.

"You do look different though, strange. Only a year has gone past."

He blew his chest out in pride. "A good different?" He raised his eyebrow. "Of course! But I'll have to see your human form first. I'm sure it will be a lot more sexy than now." I flirted.

He growled lowly. "You've never said anything like that before." "Do you like it?" "Hell yes." He crawled in next to me and sniffed at the scent glands around my neck.

"We don't have to do it today you know." He stated. "Mm, I know. But I wanna go to meet your family as soon as possible." "Of course. My mother would be delighted, I'm sure." He whispered and lay down his head lazily.

"Tomorrow night?" I smirked.

"Tomorrow night, alpha."

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