Where's Eren...

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{credit to my fav artist Lena for this art. Ignore eren's bloody face btw, this is a happy story and it doesn't relate to where he's at. I just liked Levi's worried face 💕}

Levi's POV:

"Why aren't you going out? I'm hungry."

"It's the middle of the night Levi... can't you just wait till morning?"

"But I can't fall asleep on an empty tummy!" I was getting stressed out, my stomach was about to burst and Eren wasn't being helpful.

I was craving food, I had a stomach ache and my paws hurt.

"It's full moon and theirs a storm coming. I don't want to go out just to get caught in the rain."

"Eren jaeger, I am carrying your baby and you made a promise to me saying you'd do everything in your being to keep me and my pup safe and satisfied." He sighed dramatically.

I was only asking him to get up from his peaceful sleep at midnight to go out in the stormy weather to get me some food.

That's it...

"Ok, I'll go..." I smiled on the inside about getting my own way, once again.

He got up and shook himself before starting to head for the door.

"Keep yourself safe Levi. Don't open the door to anyone and do not go out without me, Ok." I nodded, he gave me this talk every time he left to hunt!

He turned back around and took off in a sprint. Thunder clapped in the far distance, Eren would be home before the storm hit our den.



I paced around the room not thinking about where I stepped.

Anxiously thumping my feet against the floor, Eren had been gone for half an hour, no need to panic.

The fact that the storm had crept up on the den in less than 30 minutes made me more surprised and worried about the stupid boy.

I'd sent him out, I'd wanted food.

I feel like if he came through the door with some meat I wouldn't be able to stomach it from all the worry he's caused me in that moment.

My Omegan instinct wanted to snap the door open and call for him, call to my mate.

I decided to scent the area, sniffing out the door, Eren told me not to step out of the house under any circumstances so I didn't.

I couldn't smell the comforting scent of my alpha.

Inside I started to panic, what if the storm hit and he's not here, what if he's out there and can't find his way back...

The baby kicked, probably sensing my anxiety boiling over.

I shouldn't be so panicky while carrying him, but I can't help it.

I needed Eren to be here, I swear I'll never send him out after midnight ever again!

I probably won't be able to get back to sleep after this, my body's flowing with adrenaline.

I lay down on my left side with my stomach facing the door.

Another powerful kick came, it had me curling around into a small ball.

"He's alright, daddy's gonna be just fine. He'll come back with a smiling, happy face. Then I'll slap him for causing me such distress and we can all go to sleep." I breathed heavily.
Not wanting the stress to cause harm to the pup or an early labor.

Before I even noticed, my eyes began to close and my body started to relax.

Without the comforting scent of my mate my heart began to jump unevenly.

I fell asleep without Eren by my side like usual.


"Eren..." I whispered as I started to awaken from my sleep, I quickly turned my head all around the den, still not seeing the brown wolf...

My gut clenched when I didn't smell his scent nearby either.

"Shit, where are you. I promise I'll never ever send you out at midnight for food!" Speaking of which, my stomach rumbled.

Eren normally gets the food so I'm not used to knowing which animals or plants are poisonous.

I knew rabbits, deer and squirrels were safe, but they were too fast for a pregnant omega to run for, running after them would use up a lot of energy.

I decided that I'd break eren's rule and go out searching for him.

I felt bad for breaking his rules but I put the guilt to the back of my head.

I walked out through the already open door to greet the beautiful drenched forest.

The storm had blown a few trees over, only small trees though.

It was still cloudy with a few spits of rain falling to the ground. Luckily the thunder and lighting was gone and it was daytime.

I first went to petra and oluos to ask if they'd seen him, I walked all around the town and around people's dens looking to see if he'd hidden in or under one.

The only other place he could be was the woods, but I wouldn't be going in those woods.

Not being so close to giving birth.

Many omegas wouldn't survive birth without their mate present.

If Eren wasn't there or didn't know i was giving birth, I wouldn't have the energy to birth the pup.

The pup maybe wouldn't survive...

I called to him, a sound only recognised by mates. A low rumbling noise others couldn't hear.

Mine wasn't replied to, which worried me even more, wherever the alpha or omega was, they would be able to hear it and reply, unless they were asleep or...


I shook my head not wanting to think about it.

He's just sleeping...

I hope.

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