Now? Not Now?

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{credit to attack_on_666 on Twitter, I found this on Google so I don't know if they are the original artist. It's cute though right!}

Levi's POV:

Eren still hadn't shown himself after hours of searching, I couldn't scent him out and I couldn't go into the forest...

Petra saw my distress and ordered oluo who was surprisingly worried about eren's whereabouts too to scout the forest I couldn't go into.

He came back and forth communicating with us.

Still not being able to find him yet.

"Where the bloody hell is he! I'm worried sick. I threw up three times today!" I grumbled as Petra stayed away from me, she didn't want to get near my emotional self.

"My stomach hurts too..."

Petra came to my side and went to touch my stomach.

I snapped my teeth at her for trying to get too close to me.

"I want Eren, why isn't he here. I sent him out for food and he hasn't come back. I'm anxious and could have an early labor, I'm an omega in distress and I need my Alpha!" She tried to calm my nerves by handing me herbs and other various things that would help a normal person but I smacked them away.

I was too busy worrying about whether I'd give birth right now, without Eren here to help me get through it...

Oluo came back with a frown.

"I found him, but he's injured..." My guy dropped.

"Bring me to him now!"

"But Levi the pup-"

"I need to see him, I need to see how injured he is!" He sighed but nodded.

"I don't care about his story, I just want to see his stupid face." I started crying, my tears streaming down my cheeks.
I didn't care if I needed to go into the woods, I needed to see him.

Oluo lead me to where Eren was.

He was laying on his side, his ear was torn and his arms and legs were slightly bloody.

"Oluo I told you not to bring him." He squinted away when I stomped up to him.

I lay down by his side and snuggled closer to him.
I rubbed over him, scenting him.

He was surprised I didn't hit him, but I didn't want to hit him until we got home so I could shout at him for disappearing and making me almost have a panic attack.

I felt a shoot of pain go through me.
I whimpered lightly not wanting to make a show out of a kick, but this pup could kick good.

"Levi, you ok?"

"Shit. It hurts, real bad." He got up shakily and we started to follow oluo to our den.

I crippled over in pain a couple of times.

Maybe it wasn't just a kick...

"Eren... I- I think it might be time... The pain normally stops by now." I lent against his side so he could trudge us back to our home.

He quickened his pace to a sprint. I felt bad for him, he'd been stuck under a fallen tree all night and now he's running.

The pain continue until Eren reached our home.

Petra stood in the doorway. I walked the rest of the way to the corner of the room where the nest was, I grabbed them and walked over to Eren.

"I want to go to our mating cave, now please." He nodded and snatched the essentials for the trip.

We fast walked to the mountainous regions and remembered where the cave was located.

Eren literally threw me in, after checking for intruders in the surrounding area.

The pain had almost disappeared which I was more than a little sad about.

Why would it be so intense and then just disappear?

"That happens when the body is preparing for birth. The pain will make you think your going into labor so you get to the mating cave, then the pain goes away because its warning you you'll give birth soon."

I breathed out.

Stupid body!

Tricking me into leaving my den, now I'm prepared to give birth here, with my nest and Eren to help care for me.

"So over the next few days?"

"We'll have our pup." I smiled happily, Eren was here.

This morning he wasn't there and it made me panic, which reminds me I needed to chew his ear off about that...

"So, what happened..." He sighed.

"I had some rabbits for you and was on my way back when another alpha attacked me for the stupid rabbits, I fought for them and won, obviously, then it started rain so I couldn't smell home and then I got lost so I decided to sleep outside for the night, the lightening struck a tree and it fell on top of me. Oluo came to get me and moved some of the tree and then you came..."

"Ok." I breathed out heavily and began to rearrange the nest to more of my liking.

"I have a feeling I'll give birth tomorrow..." I was slightly worried, pushing a baby out.

That's gonna hurt...

Another kick...

"If he keeps me up all night, I'll kill him..."

"You won't." Eren comforted me along the evening and through the night until I was finally asleep.

We spoke of our pups future and how long we'd spend in this cave after he was born.

Reminiscing the memories of our first time in here.

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