Den & Old friends?

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{credit to http: levirivalle on deviantart for this amazingly cute picture of Levi, because he looks so fricking adorable and just how I imagine this fanfics Levi to be. It's a bit OCC but, I prefer cute Levi ❤️}

Levi's POV:

I would've liked to of stayed in the nest we recently made.
However, The ritual goes by law and states you only using it for mating and birth.

My mother and Kenny once had their own nest, until some asshat took it away and Kenny wasn't there to fight for it, hence the reason mother had given birth to Mikasa in the den, on a pile of old rags at 2am in the morning...

Eren was discussing the directions with my mother, he'd also given the talk to Carla and grisha for them to at least know where we'll be living, if they chose to visit some time in the future.

Which they gladly would.

"This area seems too over crowded, many alphas go there to fight for a place. Let's keep away from that..."
I could see it in eren's face, the concentration, the seriousness.

He really wanted this.

He was concerned he'd have to fight one or more alphas over me.

"Wouldn't want any of the alphas being malled to death for trying to steal my Omega, now would we?" I smiled at him lovingly.
He'd fight tooth and nail for me.

~ If I was an alpha... I'd fight for me too ~

"We'll head out tomorrow at dawn. Just so we get there before the others."

"I want a place farther away from the town. So we don't get... disturbed." I blushed looking away from my mothers knowing glance.

"Disturbed from wh-"

"You know what, mother! So Eren, if we could go towards the outskirts. It'll be nice to have neighbours around but not too close." Eren nodded, filtering all the information of what I wanted our new home to be like.

He'll know what I'm talking about...

Eren's POV:

What the heck is he saying?!

He wanted everything!

Not too close to the middle, but wanting neighbours, but not too close neighbours.

Could you decide on one of those, please?!


It was early morning when I woke up first, as always.

We'd travel in wolf form, it'd be easier for Levi to move around and not worry about the pups life being in danger.

"Mnn, Eren, is it time to go already?" I smiled and cupped his chubby cheeks, squeezing them and kissing each one.

Omegas naturally had extra body fat, it helped with the protection and insulation of the pups. No one complained, It was simply what the Omega needed to survive as well as for the pups.

Levi grumbled at me for stating that he was chubby, he almost slapped me when I laughed at him.

Kuchel was awake as well although she'd probably go back to sleep after we left.
Mikasa wouldn't get up, pups needed their sleep or else they'd be grumpy the next morning.

"Tell Mikasa I love her very much, and I'll miss her and I hope I'll see her soon." Levi started tearing up by the end, but clung to me, until Kuchel rushed over to cuddle him and cried a goodbye into his shoulder.

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