Definately now

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{credit to Johanna the mad on tumblr, because this art is so perfect 👌🏻 farlan looks a bit like Eren btw. Not how farlan would normally look because I made it realistic and the genes wouldn't work}

Levi's POV:

I woke up, not feeling pain, strangely?

I'd anticipated for it to happen today, as soon as I woke up...

It was morning, the sun was out but it was chilly, sending a cool breeze through the cracks of the walls.

I looked over to Eren, seeing him peacefully sleeping.

I was hungry but I didn't want to lose him again, not like the other day...

I shook his body and bumped our heads together. He slowly began to wake up.

"Levi? Is the baby coming yet..." He spoke sleepily.

My heart skipped happily.

"Not yet, but I'm hungry as hell... So if you cou-" he didn't even let me finish before he was out the door.

I lay down slowly, planning to go back to sleep, a painful kick came from my stomach.

"When are you gonna grace us little one... We can't wait forever you know." I rolled my eyes, talking to my stomach as if it could understand me.

How silly.

Another shoot of pain went through me but this time it was different. Not from my stomach alone, but my entire lower half, legs, ass and all.

I groaned, feeling my body tense under the pain.

"Shit, I guess you did hear me..." I breathed out heavily and lay back down, panting.

Eren's POV:

I felt a sudden chill go through me as I was hunting, wondering what it was I started to head to the nest, concerned about Levi.

I opened the door to see Levi in his nest, his back facing me.

I gasped out loud making Levi turn his head and give me a pained smile.

It was happening!

"Levi, it's ok." I helped him stand shakily before relaxing him down on to his other side, his back pressed against the wall.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. His petite body, having to push out a pup.

I ordered him to keep breathing in rhythm with me although I started to get dizzy from the lack of air. "It'll be fine baby."

I rubbed his stomach.

He didn't speak to me, must of been in that much pain he couldn't even form words.

"Eren... Please, help, it hurts so badly!" He finally breathed out.

I licked his forehead trying to get him to rest his head down onto the soft leaves.

He started struggling under me. "We need to work together baby. He'll be out soon." He nodded and tried to quieten his sounds of extreme pain.

Levi's POV:

Eren doesn't have a damn clue what I'm going through right now!

I knew this was going to be long and strenuous and I hadn't even had breakfast yet...

Speaking of breakfast...

"You'll throw up if you eat and are in pain at the same time." He seemed to guess my thoughts.

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