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{credit to -ereniiajaeger15 on divianart for the amazing drawing!} (this is my first smut ereri ever so it's pretty rubbish and the fact they are wolves makes it harder. I'm not a furry btw.)

No ones POV:

Night came slowly for the pair, they had met with the other alphas and omegas who had mated the night before to see them off.

Eren and Levi shared bashful glances toward each other as they congratulated everyone.

The omegas told Levi what would commence and the alphas gave their luck to Eren.

"It won't hurt honey. As long as you've prepared, it'll be fine." Levi blushed as the female omegas gushed over him.

He would be the only male omega left that was still unmated!

"It hurt when his knot popped though..." Everyone hummed in agreement.

Levi tried blocking out the comment and gulped. "Grows twice its width." Levi paused, thinking about the women's comments quietly.

They smirked when they saw Eren walking toward them and Levi turned to greet his mate.

They all said their goodbyes to Levi and wished him luck.

Eren and Levi started to walk nervously back to the cave.

"How's your asshole father?"

"Still an asshole. Don't let him put a finger on my mother or Mikasa. If he goes there, beat the shit out of him."

"I won't let him touch your family." Eren declared, wanting to make Levi happy.


Levi's POV:

"Do you wanna go anywhere before the cave?"

I was surprised he'd asked such a sweet thing. I paused and nodded slightly.

"Can we go back to the willow tree?" The alpha smiled down at me and nodded.

We began to walk toward the familiar set of trees, where this whole thing started.

Where we met when we were ten years old...

Eren froze as he sniffed the air suspiciously, catching another scent lingering.

A growl set out through the trees, not one of eren's.

I knew that growl all too well...

"Levi." Eren covered my front as he looked for the figure emanating the growl.

"Eren, its Kenny..." He growled loudly, treating the situation as a threat.

"You have 10 seconds to leave or attack." Eren declared.

"You took my son away!" Eren shook his body, his fur standing on end. A threatening display set out to spook the other wolf.

Kenny laughed mockingly. "You're just some young alpha." He began to circle us, mouth dripping white foam.

Eren stepped forwards, protecting me the best he could.

"Levi, run back to the cave and rub yourself against those berries we found yesterday."

The berries near our cave concealed scent, so kenny wouldn't be able to track out our nest!

"We'll run together, I'm not leaving yo-"

"No! You go, I'll take care of him. If he sees us both run he'll go for you and I won't have time to fight back. Go!"

I turned and ran toward our nest.

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