Family meal

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{it's finally the end, thank you soooooo much for reading my shitty writing 💕 I didn't expect to have so many views. I will hopefully put up more because I love writing about these two boys and I have some good ideas in mind. Thx again 😘}

~ 1 year later ~

No ones POV:

"Come on everyone. Calm down and let's tuck in." Kuchel, kenny, Carla, grisha and Eren and Levi sat around Carla's dining table.

Carla had made sure none of them had eaten in hours so she could make them all a nice meal.

It was Christmas and everyone was happy, the air was warm and cheerful.

Levi held the now one year old farlan, who bounced about on his lap. The family stuck in to their meal and talked merrily. Kenny and Eren had gotten used to one another and mutually agreed not to fight with farlan growing up.

Eren and Levi had their home looking more 'human' and not just some dog blankets on the floor. Adding furniture and kitchen essentials.

Farlan had found his human form and was now able to change when Eren and Levi changed. He'd also moved onto mashed up foods as well but still enjoyed milk.

Levi spoon fed him patiently. The alphas munched aggressively at the meat and made sloppy work of it.

Kenny and grisha had similar interests when they got to know each other. Eren was the only odd ball without an alpha friend with similar interests.

Petra and oluo had had their baby, a beautiful female omega, they named her Isabel. Farlan had taken a liking to her immediately. Maybe Petra was right about them being mates in the future?

"So Eren, how's life going..." Kenny finally spoke. "It's really good but farlan is sometimes difficult." He pinched farlans Chubby cheeks and moved them side to side cooing softly at him, Making farlan giggle and Levi look at his mate lovingly.

"The little shit." Kenny and Eren had the same sense of humour, always grumbling and complaining, being dramatic and fussy. So they were a match 50% of the time.

"Hows the house looking, love?" Kuchel asked Levi hinting when they could visit again. "It's getting there, we put in farlans cot but our bed isn't dressed yet." "Aw, well hopefully some of your presents will be useful in the house." She giggles, again hinting that they got them house presents. "Thanks mumma." Levi smiled cutely.

Levi jumped suddenly when Eren put him arm around the back of his chair and leaned over to kiss his pale blushing cheek.
Farlan soon started fussing about not having food in his mouth.

"Ok, ok baby." He stuffed some mash into his mouth, after blowing on it to cool it down.

Farlan enjoyed mash as well as some meats, alphas always enjoyed their meat.

Levi nuzzled into eren's side as cosily as he could against that hard muscular chest.

Farlan began to reach up to Levi's breast, knowing what he wanted Levi put him under his top to allow farlan to suckle himself to sleep.
He usually fell asleep after drinking. So Levi could enjoy the rest of the night in peace.

"He'll probably go to sleep after this." Levi commented more to Eren than his family. Kuchel and Carla offered to burp him and rock him but Levi declined softly. "It's really fine, it'll take longer than it has to if you do it... no offence."

They didn't seem offended in the slightest until they offered to put him in the blankets to which Levi agreed to.
"Ok, fine. You can put him down but that's it." They happily took farlan from Levi's hold and placed him down on a pile of blankets in the corner where it was warm.

Levi could finally relax and enjoy his families presence, and his lovely meal.
Carla's meals were amazing.

Until Levi cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention and making the table go silent, even Eren stared at him curiously. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Er... i- thank you for doing this. I couldn't of asked for a more amazing day. Sharing it with my whole family." The whole family smiled sweetly at him and laughed, getting loud again.

"Also..." Everyone looked at him again. "I'm pregnant again." He sipped cooly at his water after making the huge announcement.


Eren choked on a piece of chicken bone that magically appeared in the meat he was chewing and kenny had managed to stab his hand with his fork.

In the background Carla and Kuchel squealed happily at the news.

Whilst Eren was shocked into silence until he grabbed Levi and hugged him whispering in his ear about how emotional he wanted to be but not in front of the other alphas.

When they got home he's probably cry.

That was until carla and Kuchel pushed him out of the way to jump at Levi and feel his belly up. "How far along?" "A couple of weeks." Everyone huddled around Levi, even kenny joined in, connected his arms and eren's shoulders and shook him proudly.

"I'm proud of you two, no matter how much of a bitch you can be." Eren laughed but punched kennys arm in half playfulness and half seriousness.

"We're all proud of you."

The end.

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