Cave Hunting

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(Credit to narutoxsakuralove on deviantart.)

Eren's POV:

I woke up to see Levi still asleep.

It was uncomfortable sleeping in your wolf form...

The others were asleep as well, getting to bed late last night because they were making so much noise.

All that tumbling around must of tired themselves out...

Levi must feel so vulnerable in the woods, he had to be wrapped up tightly by my side, wanting me close, close enough to sense me whilst he slept.

I nuzzled Levi's head and crooned him awake.

He blinked and yawned.

"Morning..." I spoke softly, making sure not to startle him.

"Are we leaving already?"

"No one else is awake, we should search and get first dibs."

We both got up and walked towards the mountainous regions.

There were a lot of good hiding spots for our private time...

It would prove to be a source of privacy from prying eyes and could be a possible nest for our future pups.

Just thinking about it made me feel fuzzy.

Levi had walked off toward the cracks in the mountains, where he'd found many little caves.

After hours of snooping around, he finally chose a small cosy looking cave near the edge of where two mountains met.

"We need to get things to put in here as soon as possible, this is the place!" He trotted around the cave, looking happy.

We both heard the scampering paws of the other wolves coming towards the cliffs where we were.

I growled lowly as a few curious heads came sniffing into our temporary nest.

Levi snapped at the omegas who were trying to take it for themselves but luckily no fight broke out.

They all decided to head further into the wooded area, as other animals could be lurking around near the mountains...

After a few days of making our new nest clean and presentable we walked back to the willow tree, picking up fallen leaves, branches and moss.

Anything that would provide softness and also stick things together well. Like a proper nest.

He then placed them down on the ground of the cave squishing them out out onto the ground, making sure he could no longer see the cold stone floor.

Levi made the nest we would come back to when we are 18 years old, this nest would be used to mate, it wouldn't be our home forever...

After I've spent time with his family, we will say goodbye to our families and move into our own home hopefully getting ready to raise our own pups.

Levi finished patting out his nest and landed on it, spreading his scent.

"Eren, come over here."

He rolled over and showed his stomach, pleading. I rolled my eyes but lay down beside him.

"We'll need to go home soon." I sighed out. "Yeah, but we'll see each other when we ma-" He stopped and blushed.

We started heading back toward the edge of the woods after dark.

We said our goodbyes and then walked our separate ways.


I got home late...

I hunted for deer to present to my mother as a gift.

She hugged and thanked me for the meal, she was extremely pleased with it.

I walked up to my room and turned back into my human form and took a long deserved shower.

Levi's POV:

I walked slowly toward my home and my little sister came running out the front to meet me.

"Mumma, Levi's back!" She shouted and my mother ran out.

She hugged me but hardened her gaze when she smelt me.

"You didn't mat-"


I didn't like taking about mating with my mother, it was so embarrassing!

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