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Armins POV:

"By the way, did you hear the news about Eren?" I saw Erwin shaking his head at my question.

"He chose an Omega." He raised his eyebrows. "Could we meet them, please?" I pleaded nicely to the man sitting on the floor cross legged.

I didn't wait for him to reply and walked to our sons bed and lifted him up.

"Hey baby." I kissed his head and he started to wake up. "Are you hungry?" I walked with him in my arms and sat down on the rocking chair Erwin's mother made for us, lifting my top up.

He was old enough to eat normal food but he preferred it from me.

Erwin watched intensely as the young boy drank.

"Can you not..."

"Not what?"

"Not stare at me when he's feeding! It's embarrassing..." He shook his head and smirked.


Once the boy had had his fill I spoke.
"Eld, you know uncle Eren, he found a mate, Do you wanna go meet them?" He looked unsure but nodded anyway.

"Will they be nice?" He asked.

"I'm sure they'll be lovely! If Eren chose them, they will be wonderful!" Go get dressed, we'll head out soon." He jumped down and ran to get out of his pyjamas.


We headed out after fussing time after time about what eld should wear, if it was too cold or too warm but finally we were walking to the jaegers home.

We knocked, not getting a reply until it was opened by a young looking man.

"Hello?" He questioned. He sensed Erwin and closed the door slightly, intimidated by him.

"Hi!I'm Eren's best friend, Armin and this is my alpha Erwin, oh and this is our son eld." He looked down at the blonde boy and gave a small timid smile.

He turned around and spoke with Carla for a moment before inviting us in.

"So you're Eren's Omega?" Erwin leaned toward him.

The raven haired man arched away from the alpha and growled.

I was confused by the action until I realised the protective hand placed across his stomach.

"Erwin." I warned and pulled him away from the poor thing.


"He's pregnant. He was protecting his tummy, probably thought you were a threat." I whispered to my mate and he nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry-"


"I apologise Levi, I didn't mean to get so close."

Levi hummed but forgave him. Carla then came into the crowded area.

"Pack alpha! What a pleasant surprise, please do come in." She lead Erwin away, leaving me with Levi.

"You're the pack leaders I assume?" I nodded my head and smiled at him sweetly.

"So, how many weeks are you along?" He looked at me with big eyes.

"How'd you know?"

"I saw your hand on your stomach and I was just as protective."

"I'm 5 weeks along..." He looked down.

"Does Eren know?" He shook his head.

"Not yet. I'm trying to find the best way to tell him." I nodded in understanding, telling your mate you were pregnant was always hard.

"Would you mind keeping an eye on eld for me, I just wanna help Carla out in the kitchen for inviting us in."

He agreed.

Levi's POV:

The boy, Eld was standing in front of me. I smiled at him but he only stared back.

"Do you have any children?" He asked, startling me.

"No, why?"

"I just wanna play with them." Hm, Reminded me of Eren when we first met.

"I don't yet. But you know what?"


"I have a baby growing in my tummy right now, and in a couple of months you'll get a friend to play with."

"Really?!" I nodded, the boy walked up to me and jumped on my knee, sitting on my lap.

"Uncle Eren's gonna be a daddy?"

"Yes he is."

"Levi, eld! Come through, please, lunch is ready!" Carla's inpatient voice called through and I picked Eld up and seated him on my forearm balancing him on my hips.

"Mummy! Levi's gonna give me a friend to play with soon!"

"Really now?" The blonde boy said, pretending to be surprised.

"Yeah! He said he has a baby in his belly."


After that Armin kept on visiting the house, sometimes for half an hour sometimes for the whole day.

He was a good person, I even classed him as a good friend.
Being an Omega himself he could relate to most of my problems.

Carla loved to see me meeting new people and engaging with them.

Armin offered to announce me as a member of their pack but I refused, I couldn't leave my pack now...

I grew up with them, my mother and Mikasa would be heart broken if I left them without saying goodbye.

I couldn't leave, could I?

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