Three weeks?

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{pic by onggang on tumbrl}

Levi's POV:

{Three weeks later}

Three weeks had passed since my first introduction into the jaeger family.

They had treated me so well and loved me as if I were their own son.

Carla taught me how to cook and clean, she hinted she would teach me about raising a pup some day.

We sat at the dining table enjoying our homemade breakfast, Carla and grisha were arguing who would do the dishes, I was about to offer myself but-

I felt sick.

I was going to puke...

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, Carla scrambled after me, toppling her chair over.

I bought up my lovely breakfast. "You sure took your time little one." The older woman whispered.

She pulled out a notepad I didn't even notice in her pocket and wrote something down in it.

"Sweety, let me take you down to the doctors." I nodded and cleaned myself up.

We walked down the rocky street path and searched for the doctors surgery.

I had brought a paper bag just in case as I paced around in the waiting area.

Carla guided me inside the room with her, I looked around and my eyes landed on a brown haired female with goggle like glasses on.

She looked up at me and smiled. "So this is eren's babe?" I gave her a dirty look but she still grinned back. "Don't give me that look honey!" I tsked at her but she saw through the annoyance and offered me to sit down in a comfy chair.

"So, what can I help you with?"

"Sickness." I gulped, the way she looked at me was creeping me out.

Her grin widened when I told her the information and she looked at my stomach.

"You wanna know if you're Pregers?!" She said excitedly and Carla put her hand over her mouth, probably trying to hold her tears in, she silently prayed for the good news.

"When did you mate last?"

"Er.... two weeks ago, maybe longer?" I couldn't pin point the exact date.

"For male omegas, the signs come earlier than a normal females would." I took in all the new information.

"Let's just take a sample of your blood and see if there are any problems." She turned serious as she took my blood and took it into another room. "Now, go piss on this stick." The creepy smile was back.

I did just as she said and came back.

"Now, we wait." She rubbed her hands together.

"I'm Hanji, by the way." She went to shake my hand but she just touched that piss covered stick, she wasn't touching my hand!

I washed my hands many times after doing that shitty test, she didn't even put sanitiser on!

I offered a small smile with a nod.


"Well Levi, looks like... you are pregnant." Carla screeched, making me jump up off of the chair as if it were on fire.

She ran up to me and hugged me, I was too shocked to even hear the words coming from Carla.

She seemed happy, of course she was, she was becoming a grandparent.

"I'm so proud of you Levi!" She sobbed.

We thanked hanji and went on our way back to the house.

Carla bought a shit ton of food, she wanted to celebrate the pregnancy properly.

I felt shy being the centre of attention as she kept sharing the news, she even bragged about it to the people at the market when they asked her about the amount of food in her arms.

Carla shouted the house down when we returned home.

"Grisha!" He came skipping down the stairs at her call and looked at her in concern.

"We're gonna be grandparents." She ran to him and hugged him. He smiled excitedly and extended his arm to me and dragged me into the hug too.

"We're so happy, and proud of you, both of you." Carla kissed my cheek.

"Eren will be proud too."

~ I couldn't wait to tell alpha ~

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