Ackerman announcement

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{credit to: Lena because their art is the best thing blessed to my eyes}

Eren's POV:

Saying goodbye to both of my parents had to be the hardest thing to possibly do.

I found out Levi was pregnant and I had to say goodbye to my family, double whammy.

No doubt I was ecstatic that Levi would birth my litter and I would still be able to see Carla with our pup but I'd still miss them...

Levi was next, I could tell he was nervous about saying goodbye to them.

Maybe we could spend a couple of days with the Ackermans.

I wouldn't want to put more stress on Levi.

We stood outside the familiar door and Levi knocked excitedly.

"Eren? you're back early." Came through the wood as Kuchel opened the door slowly but quickly realised Levi was with me and jumped at him to hug him.

"Levi! My baby, you're home!" She cried into his shoulder as he did the same.

"Mumma..." He all but rolled over in joy for having her with him, being able to smell her calming scent.

Mikasa soon came running up to them and scrambled up Levi's leg.


"Mikasa, I missed you!" He happily cried into kuchels shoulder until she let go of him to go to the kitchen.

"Eren!" Levi switched Mikasa across to me when she shouted name.

Levi stayed close by my side, kuchel noticed but her gaze went from antsy Levi to me.

"Eren, you're hurt..." Kuchel came to my front and inspected my face.
She quickly went back into the kitchen and rustled around for something.

Kuchel came out with a damp cloth. "So, how did this happen?" I gulped, not wanting to tell her I fought her mate just now...

"It was Kenny." Levi replied with a scowl on his face as he cupped my cheeks.

"What happened?" Kuchel sounded worried even if she claimed she hated the man, he was still her mate.

"Kenny came to the house when Eren's mum and I were out and started being violent when I asked him to leave, Eren magically came through the front door when he slapped me across the face and Eren protected me by smacking his ass up." After Levi's little story he kissed my forehead lovingly.

"He would of gotten more violent if Eren wasn't there to put him in his place."

Kuchel grabbed my ear and pulled it.

"You should know better than to try and fight with him! He was raised on the streets."

"He's not that tough." I stayed stubborn, I didn't want to admit in front of my mate it was kind of hard to beat him.

His punches hurt like a bitch!

"My big, brave, strong alpha." Levi carried on caring for me in ways my wounds weren't aching anymore.

His words fed my ego a lot more than I'd like to admit...

Kuchel only rolled her eyes at Levi's words and let go of my ear with some begging from me.

"No more fighting with older alphas." "He struck Levi..." She looked off in deep thought. "If you're protecting Levi, then ok." I nodded proudly and looked to Levi.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

There was a silent pause from Levi and I.
Neither of us wanted to spoil the mood.

"We're heading to look for our own house..." Kuchel looked up at her son with a saddened look in her eyes.

"We're heading to the north in a couple of days to make sure we get settled in our new den before having the pup." He smiled as kuchel just stared at him, not understanding the last sentence...

"Mother...You're gonna be a grandmother!" She sat up straight and cupped her open mouth.

"I am?!" She asked, unbelieving.

"Levi my little baby. My little boys pregnant, Mikasa come here quickly!" Mikasa as told came rushing through with big eyes.

"Guess what?!"


"Levi's carrying a baby in his tummy, he's gonna have pups!" She said a bit too excitedly, holding Levi's stomach preciously.

"Pup, only one, I think." Levi said unsure.

"Aw! You two will be amazing parents. How many-"

"Almost 2 months." She grabbed Levi's shirt and pulled it up, staring at his stomach whilst Levi blushed profusely.

I hadn't seen his stomach since he told me he was pregnant so it was a new angle to me too.

Levi stroked his tummy and stared at it lovingly, smiling softly.

"We'll head out in the next couple of days, I'll scout the area before hand and look for possible threats." Levi nodded toward me and started answering his mothers questions.

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