Kenny & Eren

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{ I don't know the artist I'm sorry to say but credit to them! #icantfrawforshit}

Levi's POV:

I froze in place, unable to get that sick voice out of my head.

He'd come to the house?!

How did he even know where Eren lived!

I come out from behind Carla and looked at him.

"Get out..."

Carla was about to pull my ear but kenny chuckled madly which made her stop.

He didn't move just stared at me and the paper in Carla's hands.

"I hope that's not what I think it is." He pointed his finger at the sheet.

Carla hid it behind her back, she knew if I wanted him out, he was trouble.

"And what do you think it is, sir?"

"A baby picture."

"Clever boy!"

He stared daggers at her, then at me. "

"You got pregnant? HE got you pregnant!" I swallowed knowing without Eren here I wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.

"He did, and your talking about my son. Do not speak of him in that tone." Carla warned, standing in front of me.

"He gave me these scars, your son is a violent person." He showed off his wounds to Carla and she looked at the deep gashes, some had still not healed.

"-He interrupted the ritual, Eren protected me. It's your fault for going there, your fault you went up against a strong alpha like him and he beat you!"

Kenny stood abruptly and grabbed my collar, toppling the chair he was sitting on over.

"How dare you!"

I pushed him away and kicked his shin.

"Never come near my family again or so help me!"

Grisha had his arms around Carla whilst she tried to get to me, trying to protect me.

Kenny leapt up and before I knew it I was on the floor, my cheek stung and was hot to the touch.

He went to grab me again but was stopped by a knock on the already open door.

"Well, well..."

~ Alpha ~

Kenny was whipped off, his hand kept a tight grip on my shirt, dragging me along with the pair.

Eren ripped his hand off of my garments, tearing some of the cloth.

I stared as Eren struck kenny but I soon crawled under the table, frightened of the end result.

Eren's harsh breathing could be heard over Kennys whines and pants.

You could hear he was livid.

Carla's POV:

Eren grabbed the mans shirt and tugged him up, slamming him against the wall.

Eren's growls died down soon enough when he realised kenny was unmoving.

He let go of the man and made him stumble to the floor.

"Don't you touch my Omega again." He kicked the older mans stomach harshly and grabbed his long back hair, Lifting him to eye level.

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