Settling in

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Eren's POV:

The beginning of daylight began to peak through the little cracks of our new home.

We'd need to fit in some kind of door...

Now that I had to feed another tummy I wanted Levi to be stress free.
I had to work extra hard to gain Levi's praiseful words when coming home from a hunt.

I got up whilst Levi was still sleeping peacefully. I tried sniffing close to his ear to annoy him but he didn't wake up.

I headed out toward the thick woods making sure to not stray too far away just so that alpha I met yesterday wouldn't come snooping around or sneak his way inside to get at Levi.

It wouldn't happen I knew that, but I was still cautious.

I hunted for random little animals.
I quickly found a hill filled with rabbit burrows.

I quickly chased after them, they were fast little bastards, I'll give them that.

I don't like destroying the rabbits burrows so I left the possible baby rabbits in there, I chased after the slower rabbits.
I already had a couple but I wanted to make Levi even happier!

That was when I heard a growl behind me.

That asshole alpha was here...

"What do you want." I growled back.

He eyed my rabbits to the side.

He better not be thinking about taking them... they were for Levi and my pup.

"Shouldn't take your eyes off of an alpha, especially if you eye their prey." He rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't want them anyway, your pregnant bitch would probably hunt me down."

"Call him a bitch again and see my fist go up your ass." He looked at my paw on the ground and gulped.

"Good. Now get out of the way, I need to get back to My Omega." I picked up the rabbits in my mouth and started walked back toward my new home.


Someone screamed.


-Maybe he's in danger!

I changed my pace to a sprint and ran frantically back to him.

I rammed inside, ready to fight to find the Omega from the other day inside.

Petra, I believe her name was...

I panted harshly staring at her and spat out the rabbits on the floor.

"Why did you scream?!" I asked Levi who lay on the dirt floor.

"Because as soon as I woke up, I expected to see you yet I saw her ugly mug!" Petra pouted and went to jump on Levi again before I caught her mid flight in the air and growled.

"Don't even think about it..." She probably forgets the possessiveness of some alphas and how you can't just jump on their mates as lick them to your hearts content.

Especially if they are pregnant...

"Owh! But I wanna play with Levi."

"Aren't you like 19?"


"That's even worse!" I strutted towards Levi and grabbed the rabbits I spat down on the floor.

I stared at his face and he smiled sweetly.

Waiting for praise I carried on watching him as he began to eat.

"Thank you Eren. It's lovely."

I beamed towards Petra, she wouldn't be able to get that out of Levi, only me!

"Levi, lets do something fun!" Petra complained whilst pushing her way into his personal space.

"Some time away from the alphas?"

Her eyes begged.

"What if we run into trouble." He asked matter of factly and she thought. "The alphas could hang out..." she suggested, I grimaced toward her.

Levi looked at me worriedly. "Eren would want to kill him almost straight away."

"He would never! My oluo is quite the fighter." She proudly stated.

"He may of been a good fighter in your town but not in this town it's a whole new story." I growled taking him as a threat.

"Maybe another day, I don't feel up to it today." I smiled proudly and showed off the fact he'd rather spend time home with me than her.

I snuggled up beside him and nuzzled his neck as Levi licked my temple lovingly.

"Mmm, Now get out." She stared at me before sighing and started heading toward the entrance, her tail tucked between her legs.

"Eren..." Levi warned.

...oh no...

"What's wrong?"

"That was mean."

"What was?"

"How you spoke to her just now..." I sighed.

"Hey you." She turned around with a look of hope in her eyes.

"Please don't come back whilst I'm not here, thanks." Levi chuckled and bumped his head with mine.

"What, that wasn't mean. I even said please!" He licked my ear harshly, making me wince.

"Mmm Eren."


"I feel so full. Thank you for the meal."

I could imagine another time he'd said 'I feel so full' but that wasn't about food...

"What are you thinking about... it shows in your face, you know."
He looked down at the floor and blinked away a blush too.

"Why am I feeling so...horny?"

"The scent I give off should send your body in to a rut like state. It's normal for my body to do that before the third month." I nodded.

"Anyway we did it last night." I hummed in agreement.

"At least we're settled now and the house doesn't smell like her..." Levi raised his eyebrow at me.

"It doesn't smell like Petra anymore, are you still jealous? I told you, you don't have to worry about her. We're both omegas, we need to be filled." He licked my cheek happily as I blushed.

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