Another meeting and new pals?

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{I couldn't believe I found this photo of everyone in this chapter except Marco! I think it's by SubaruSumeragi on}

Eren's POV:

Levi was acting stranger as the weeks went on, he'd be easily angered at times then begging for attention the next minute.

I didn't mention it anymore as last time I did he bit my ear.

That shits sensitive!

He still wants to have fun but Mating after this point in the pregnancy is dangerous. I told him this and he ignored me for a whole two weeks!

He wasn't pleased at all...

"Eren, I'm hungry!"

"Yeah, and..." He turned his head and gave a crooked fake smile.


"Alright, alright! I'll go."

I hunted and brought home what he wanted.

He took it straight from my mouth and started eating, I tried to push to get some too but he growled at me every time I put my nose near them.

I whined but turned my back to him laying down, making sure he got the message I was annoyed at him.

After a while I stopped hearing the crunching noises.

A quiet thud behind me awoke me from my thoughts and I turned around.

I saw a piece of meat on the floor, watching it.

Did Levi put that there? He never shares his food!

"Not hungry anymore." I heard him mumble from the opposite side of the nest, he was sitting down in the corner.

"Sorry I'm being selfish..." I sighed and shuffled toward him.

I nuzzled his nape and licked his ears.

"I don't mind that your eating a lot, you're holding my pup and I have to do what I can to help you..."

He turned to look into my eyes.

"Thank you baby." He licked my cheek. "Thank you for the support and I'm sorry if you're angry with me." I smiled at him happily, at least he was understanding my point of view.

"I just feel on edge. Ever since kenny came back, I don't want him to catch me being so vulnerable again..."

"I will always protect you, no matter who I have to fight, I will always protect you and our pup."

"I think I love you." He snuggled into my side.

I blushed and couldn't help but agree. "Well then, I think I love you too Levi." I nuzzled his stomach with my head.

"2 and a half months left..."

I walked back over to the meat he had offered, I knew he was lying about not being hungry earlier so I placed it down by his paws.

He stared at it thoughtfully and then looked at me.

"I said I wasn't h-"

"You're a bad liar." I smiled and stared at him until he started eating again.

"I'll go out for more." I declared.

He followed me to the door and watched me step out.

"If you're ever in danger, just scream and make noise just so I can hear you and come to you." He nodded quickly.

He looked up the pathway and saw Petra and oluo walking towards our den.

"Oh no." He sighed.

"You want me to stay?" I watched him nod his head again.

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